The University’s Response to the Noto Peninsula Earthquake of 2024

 This is to inform you of various information about the Noto Peninsula Earthquake of 2024 from Kanazawa University.
 Students, faculty and staff members have been notified via the Acanthus portal or e-mail too.

新着情報 / Update, New Information

[R6. 9.24 掲載]能登豪雨に関する緊急学長メッセージ

[R6. 6.24 更新]ボランティア活動について

[R6. 1.19 掲載]金沢大学被災学生?施設支援等基金の設置について

学長メッセージ / Message from the President

在学生の皆さんへ / To current students

[R6. 6.24 更新]ボランティア活動について

[R6. 2.2 掲載](追加募集)学?留学?宿舎の?居者募集【令和6年能登半島地震被災者対象】/(Additional Recruiting)Recruiting residents for student dormitories

[R6. 2.2 掲載]令和6(2024)年度入学料?授業料(前期)免除(令和6年能登半島地震による家計急変)/2024 entrance and tuition fee (first semester) waivers (for sudden changes in household finances due to the Noto Peninsula Earthquake of 2024)

[R6. 1.16 掲載]【令和6年能登半島地震被災者対象】携帯型パソコン貸与/Lending portable PC to students affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake of 2024

[R6. 1.15 掲載]【令和6年能登半島地震被災者対象】学?留学?宿舎の?居者募集/Recruiting residents for student dormitories

[R6. 1.15 掲載]【令和6年能登半島地震被災者対象】学?留学?宿舎の寄宿料等免除/Exemption from dormitory fees for student/international student dormitories

[R6. 1.11 更新]<重要:在学者各位>1月15日以降の対面授業の再開/<IMPORTATNT>Resuming in-person classes from January 15th

[R6. 1.10 更新]令和6年能登半島地震により家計が急変した学生のみなさんへ/To students whose financial situation changed suddenly due to the Noto Peninsula Earthquake of 2024.

[R6. 1.6 掲載]日本学生支援機構奨学金臨時奨学金の申込/Application for JASSO Temporary Scholarship 

[R6. 1.5 掲載]在学者へのメッセージ/理事(教育担当)?副学長 

[R6. 1.5 掲載]保健管理センターから学生?森林舞会_pt老虎机游戏-【亚洲最大娱乐平台】@の皆さんへ/Notice from Health Sevice Center to students, faculty, and staff ?

外国人留学生の皆さんへのお知らせ / To international students

[R6. 2.2 掲載](Additional Recruiting)Recruiting residents for student dormitories

[R6. 2.2 掲載]2024 entrance and tuition fee (first semester) waivers (for sudden changes in household finances due to the Noto Peninsula Earthquake of 2024) 

[R6. 1. 16 掲載]Lending portable PC to students affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake of 2024

[R6. 1. 15 掲載]Recruiting residents for student dormitories

[R6. 1. 15 掲載]Exemption from dormitory fees for student international student dormitories

[R6. 1.11 更新]<IMPORTATNT>Resuming in-person classes from January 15th 

[R6. 1.10 更新]To students whose financial situation changed suddenly due to the Noto Peninsula Earthquake of 2024.??

[R6. 1. 7 掲載]Application for JASSO Temporary Scholarship

[R6. 1. 5 掲載]Notice from Health Sevice Center to students, faculty, and staff?

? [R6. 1. 4 掲載] (For International Students)About the earthquake3-Health Service?

森林舞会_pt老虎机游戏-【亚洲最大娱乐平台】@の皆さんへ /To students preparing to examinations

森林舞会_pt老虎机游戏-【亚洲最大娱乐平台】@の皆さんへ / To faculty and staff


【在学者ワンストップサービス窓口/One-Stop Consultation Counter for all students】
  E-mail: answer_g@adm.kanazawa-u.ac.jp
  ※Depending on the query, the respective person in charge will reply.

【外国人留学生へ/?For International Students】
  外国人留学生支援ワンストップサービス窓口/One-Stop Consultation Counter for International Students Administration
  E-mail: intlsupport@ml.kanazawa-u.ac.jp
  ※Depending on the query, the respective person in charge will reply.

石川県の避難所情報等 / Information on shelters, etc. in Ishikawa Prefecture



アーカイブ / Archive

[R6. 6.24 更新]ボランティア活動について

[R6. 3.22 掲載]入学者選抜試験における検定料免除の特別措置

[R6. 2.2 掲載](追加募集)学?留学?宿舎の?居者募集【令和6年能登半島地震被災者対象】/(Additional Recruiting)Recruiting residents for student dormitories

[R6. 2.2 掲載](Additional Recruiting)Recruiting residents for student dormitories

[R6. 2.2 掲載]令和6(2024)年度入学料?授業料(前期)免除(令和6年能登半島地震による家計急変)/2024 entrance and tuition fee (first semester) waivers (for sudden changes in household finances due to the Noto Peninsula Earthquake of 2024)

[R6. 2.2 掲載]2024 entrance and tuition fee (first semester) waivers (for sudden changes in household finances due to the Noto Peninsula Earthquake of 2024)

[R6. 1.29 掲載]令和6年能登半島地震に関する学長メッセージ 第三報/President’s message as of 29th January – 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake –

[R6. 1.23 掲載]令和6年度金沢大学新入学者等への経済的支援

[R6. 1.23 掲載]Financial Support for Newly Enrolled Students of Kanazawa University in 2024

[R6. 1.19 掲載]金沢大学被災学生?施設支援等基金の設置について

[R6. 1.16 掲載]令和6年能登半島地震に関する学長メッセージ 第二報/President’s message as of 16th January – 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake –

[R6. 1.16 掲載]【令和6年能登半島地震被災者対象】携帯型パソコン貸与/Lending portable PC to students affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake of 2024

[R6. 1. 16 掲載]Lending portable PC to students affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake of 2024

[R6. 1.15 掲載]令和6年度大学入学者選抜試験の出願等について

[R6. 1.15 掲載]【令和6年能登半島地震被災者対象】学?留学?宿舎の?居者募集/Recruiting residents for student dormitories

[R6. 1.15 掲載]【令和6年能登半島地震被災者対象】学?留学?宿舎の寄宿料等免除/Exemption from dormitory fees for student/international student dormitories

[R6. 1. 15 掲載]Recruiting residents for student dormitories

[R6. 1. 15 掲載]Exemption from dormitory fees for student international student dormitories

[R6. 1.11 掲載]<父母等の皆様へ>1月15日以降の対面授業の再開/Resuming in-person classes from January 15th

[R6. 1.11 掲載]<IMPORTATNT>Resuming in-person classes from January 15th

[R6. 1.11 掲載]<重要:在学者各位>1月15日以降の対面授業の再開/<IMPORTATNT>Resuming in-person classes from January 15th

[R6. 1.10 更新]令和6年能登半島地震により家計が急変した学生のみなさんへ/To students whose financial situation changed suddenly due to the Noto Peninsula Earthquake of 2024.

[R6. 1.9 掲載]令和6年度大学入学共通テスト(追試験)は金沢大学で実施

[R6. 1.6 掲載]令和6年能登半島地震により家計が急変した学生のみなさんへ/To students whose financial situation changed suddenly due to the Noto Peninsula Earthquake of 2024. 

[R6. 1.5 掲載](For International Students)About the earthquake3-Health Service

[R6. 1.5 掲載]在学者へのメッセージ/理事(教育担当)?副学長 

[R6. 1.5 掲載]令和6年度大学入学共通テストは予定どおり実施 

[R6. 1.5 掲載](For International Students)About the earthquake2

[R6. 1. 5 掲載]保健管理センターから学生?森林舞会_pt老虎机游戏-【亚洲最大娱乐平台】@の皆さんへ/Notice from Health Sevice Center to students, faculty, and staff ?

[R6. 1.4 掲載]<重要>1月9日から11日の授業形態/〈IMPORTATNT〉Classes Format for January 9th to 11th?

[R6. 1.4 掲載]令和6年1月の授業形態/Classes on January, 2024

[R6. 1.4 掲載]令和6年能登半島地震を受け,災害対策本部会議をR6. 1. 1に立ち上げ

[R6. 1.4 掲載](For International Students)About the earthquake

[R6. 1.2 掲載](外国人留学生の皆さんへ)地震について/(For International Students)About the earthquake

[R6. 1.2 掲載] 令和6年1月の授業形態/Classes on January, 2024

[R6. 1.2 掲載] 令和6年能登半島地震に関する緊急学長メッセージ/(EMERGENCY)President’s message

[R6. 1.1 掲載] 金沢大学大規模災害による安否確認【重要】Confirmation of your safety due to a major disaster

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