On June 16th, a Japanese soccer star Keisuke Honda, who is currently playing for an Italian club, AC Milan, and is a member of the Japan National Soccer Team, visited Kanazawa University and delivered a special lecture to approximately 600 students at Human and Social Science Lecture Hall 1, Kakuma Campus. This is one of the special lecture series featuring notable individuals who have rich experience abroad or in intercultural environment with the purpose to encourage our students to turn their attention to the world and globalization. This series was planned by President Koetsu Yamazaki as a part of the Top Global University Project.
At the lecture, followed by Mr. Ryosuke Suzuki’s (General Manager of HONDA ESTILO Co., Ltd.) explanation on “Kanazawa University Sports / Regional Regeneration Project” (※), Mr. Honda spoke on the theme of the importance of taking actions without fear of failure, how to face yourself, etc. In addition, he encouraged students to keep challenging toward big goals in order to succeed not only in Japan but also in the world. A lively question and answer session followed, in which the students asked Mr. Honda about his future dreams, how to control his emotion and so on.
The audiences enthusiastically listened to every word from Mr. Honda and had much to learn from this lecture.
※ Kanazawa University Sports / Regional Regeneration Project
Kanazawa University, HONDA ESTILO Co., Ltd. and Kanazawa City collaborate for the purpose of fostering global human resources, promoting youth education, and contributing to local communities through sports activities. Sports facilities of Kanazawa University (soccer field and athletic field) were rebuilt by utilizing private funds and Kanazawa University offers them as venue for sports classes and sports events for local children, etc. Kanazawa City also provides full support to this project to “restore or encourage community building through sports.”
?Mr. Honda during the lecture
?Mr.?Ryosuke Suzuki,?General Manager of HONDA ESTILO Co., Ltd.
?Lecture Room was full of students
?Mr. Honda answering to student’s question