Video introduction to Kanazawa University's SGU project
Kanazawa University's independent initiatives

Globalization of general education balancing the Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences and KUGS
- Introduction of programs to strengthen human resilience
- Standardization of course content
- Establishment of pluralistic assessment indicators (quality assurance)
Globalization of faculty and educational methods through the Skill-up Center and Tufts ELP
- Improving educators' skills through the Skill-up Center
- Program to enhance English-language abilities across the entire university
- International standardization of syllabi
Evolution and restructuring of academic domains and subjects in response to globalization, and developing a new model for linking high school with university
- Partial adoption of a single entrance exam for all domains
- Restructuring the educational organization in response to globalization
- A model for linking high school with university in partnership with the Super Global High School (SGH) program (Kanazawa University Senior High School)
Globalization of bachelor's degree education and improving international career potential in cooperation with local businesses
- English-language programs in all programs and courses
- Enhancement of international internships
- Introduction of a quarter system
Becoming a core university in East Asia: Enhancing international education and research capabilities through the campus network and a special industrial zone fusing multiple fields
- Planning joint facilities with satellite campuses
- International joint degree programs
- Attracting leading researchers from around the world