• Kanazawa University’s SGU project

News and topics

You and KU-SGU

  • *Participation in One Young World 2023 Belfast Summit*
    Division of Geosciences and Civil Engineering, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology/KU-SGU Student Staff

    IIDA Ginta

  • *Participation in One Young World 2022 in Manchester*
    Division of Natural System, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology / KU-SGU Student Staff

    ISHIGURO Ayumi

  • *Study Abroad First Step Program in Bangkok, Summer (online)*
    School of International Studies, College of Human and social Sciences

    ITAKURA Sakura

  • *KU-SGU Tandem Program*
    College of Science and Engineering / Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies

    Malainine Ebnou / TERAO Akira

  • *Study Abroad First Step Program in Bangkok, Spring (online)
    School of Economics, College of Human and social Sciences


  • Wonkwang University School of Medicine
    Chair-Professor, KU Collaborative Professor

    Uh-Hyun Kim, Ph.D.

  • Czech Technical University in Prague
    Full Professor of Applied Mathematics, KU Collaborative Professor

    Michal Bene?, Ph.D.

  • Universitas Gadjah Mada
    Associate Professor, KU Collaborative Professor