【Monday, Nov7 – Friday, Nov18, 2022 ※except weekends and Thursday, Nov17】The booster shots (corresponding to the Omicron strain) of COVID-19 at Kanazawa University

接種対象者 Eligible applicants


  • 本学学生?森林舞会_pt老虎机游戏-【亚洲最大娱乐平台】@,留学生の家族等,近隣大学学生及び森林舞会_pt老虎机游戏-【亚洲最大娱乐平台】@
  • 日本で薬事承認されている新型コロナワクチンで初回接種(1?2回目)を完了した者
  • 18歳以上の者
  • 最終の接種から5か月以上経過した者(本学で接種していない者も含む)

Those who satisfy all of the following

  • KU students, faculty, staff and families of international students. Students, faculty and staff of nearby universities
  • Those who have completed the vaccination (1st and 2nd doses) with a novel coronavirus vaccine approved by the Japanese government
  • Those who are over 18 years old
  • Those who have passed 5 months or more since the last vaccination. (Including those who have not been vaccinated at Kanazawa university)

接種期間 Vaccination period


Monday, Nov7 – Friday, Nov18, 2022
※except weekends and Thursday, Nov17

接種時間 Vaccination time

各日午前の部 9:15~12:00,午後の部 13:00~15:45
(受付は,各日午前の部 9:15~11:45,午後の部 13:00~15:30)

morning session 9:15-12:00, afternoon session 13:00-15:45
(Reception hours: morning session 9:15-11:45, afternoon session 13:00-15:30)

接種会場 Vaccination venue

角間キャンパス:大学会館 1階 大集会室
1st floor, University Hall, Kakuma Campus

持ち物 What to bring for the booster shots(corresponding to the Omicron strain) 


  1. 学生証又は職員証
  2. 接種券一体型予診票(追加接種用)
  3. 新型コロナワクチン予防接種済証(接種後にワクチン名,ロット番号などが書かれたシールを貼る用紙)
  4. 前回の接種記録がわかるもの(前回の接種済証,接種証明書アプリ等)

※2. と3. は,自治体から住民票のある住所へ郵送で届きます。4. は3. に記載済の場合もあります。

Please bring the items below to the vaccination site on your vaccination day. Those who do not bring them cannot receive vaccination.

  1. Student/Staff ID
  2. Screening questionnaire with printed vaccination ticket for booster vaccination,
  3. Certificate of vaccination completion (a sheet to put a sticker with the vaccine name, lot number, etc. written on after vaccination)
  4. Previous vaccination documents that show records (previous vaccination certificate, vaccination certificate app, etc.)

※Bring the set of documents contained in the envelope for the 3rd or 4th booster vaccination received from your municipality.

※2. and 3. will be sent by post from your municipality to the address on the resident card. 4. may have already been described in 3.. 
The vaccination ticket arrives in person targeted for this vaccination. If you do not have one, please apply directly to your municipality to issue a vaccination ticket.

接種予約フォーム Registration form


 登録期間:2022年10月13日(木)9:00 ~17日(月)15:00





  • 学生 / 森林舞会_pt老虎机游戏-【亚洲最大娱乐平台】@
  • 所属
  • メールアドレス
  • 名前
  • 変更事項(キャンセル / 日程変更(変更希望日及び時間))


Please make a reservation using the online reservation form.





 Registration period: from October 13 (Thu.) 9:00 am – 17 (Mon.) 3:00 pm, 2022

 Click here for the simplified English version of the online reservation system manual.


※Please contact the following address by email with the required information, if you wish to cancel or change the schedule after the registration period has ended.
 Nippon Travel Agency Co., Ltd.(Outside contractor)
 Phone: 076-293-6841 (Weekday 9:30-17:30)

【Required information】

  • status: student/faculty and staff
  • affiliation/division
  • e-mail address
  • name
  • details: cancel/reschedule (new date and time)

注意点 Notes

  1. 使用するワクチンはモデルナ社のオリジナル株とオミクロン株(BA.1)の2価ワクチンです。
  2. 基礎疾患やアレルギー,又は2週間以内に他のワクチン(予防接種)を接種しているなど気に掛かることがある場合は,必ず接種前日までにかかりつけ医等に相談してください。当日の問診で接種の可否などを質問することはできません。
  3. 海外で初回接種(1?2回目)を受けた者は,それが日本で薬事承認を受けているワクチンであるか,以下の厚生労働省のホームページを参考に確認してください。薬事承認を受けていない場合は,今回の接種対象にはなりません。


  1. Type of vaccine: Moderna (Bivalent vaccine that correspond to conventional strains and Omicron strains (BA.1))
  2. If you have any underlying medical conditions or allergies, or if you have had other vaccines within the past two weeks, please consult your primary care doctor prior to the vaccination date. You cannot ask a doctor whether you can receive the vaccination at the medical interview on the vaccination day.
  3. Those who received the vaccination (1st and 2nd doses) overseas should check whether the vaccine has received pharmaceutical approval in Japan.Please refer to the website of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare below. If the vaccination does not have regulatory approval in Japan, you cannot receive the Omicron strain-compatible COVID-19 vaccination this time.
    (English)  https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/covid-19/vaccine.html


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