Kanazawa University Held International Students’ Gathering 2017





On December 18, Kanazawa University International Students’ Gathering was held in a local hotel. The faculty and students of Kanazawa University and the regional international relations officials, attended the gathering. Total number of participants was around 300 people.

This gathering is held every year, aiming to deepen the relationship and exchange between the international students and various regional international organizations, as well as to show appreciation to the supporters of international students. In this gathering, performances were presented by international and Japanese students, including shamisen performance, Japanese traditional dances, and theatrical show made from famous Indonesian song. The gathering was totally warmed up by these performers and all participants spent a pleasant time.

  • 日本舞踊を披露する山崎学長と本学外国人留学生
  • 三味線演奏の様子
  • 交流を深める参加者ら
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