金沢大学国際機構のMammadova Aida(ママードウァ?アイーダ) 准教授が推進する「日本のユネスコ生物圏保存地域(ユネスコエコパーク)およびジオパーク内の遠隔地域活性化を目的とした世代間学習」事業がユネスコ/日本ESD賞を受賞しました。11月9日にパリで開催された第42回ユネスコ総会にてユネスコ/日本ESD賞の授賞式が執り行われ,金沢大学の塩川達大理事が参加しました。
事業概要:白山ユネスコエコパークおよび白山手取川ジオパーク登録地域を活用し,ESDを実践するため,2015年に金沢大学のMammadova Aida准教授が,地元のNPO法人白山しらみね自然学校の山口隆氏と共同で開始しました。高齢化が進み過疎化した農村地域で,留学生と地域住民の世代間交流を促進することに焦点を当てています。この交流が両世代の価値観や行動に良い変化をもたらし,持続可能な社会の実現に向けた地域活性化に貢献しています。
UNESCO 授賞式webcast
UNESCO UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development
文部科学省 ユネスコ/日本ESD賞
Kanazawa University’s Project Honored with UNESCO/Japan ESD Award
Associate Professor Aida MAMMADOVA from Organization of Global Affairs of Kanazawa University has been honored with the UNESCO-Japan Prize on education for sustainable development for her project “Intergenerational Learning on ESD to revitalize remote communities inside Japanese UNESCO Biosphere Reserves and Geopark.” Tatsuhiro SHIOKAWA, Trustee of Kanazawa University,attended the award ceremony that took place at the 42nd UNESCO General Conference held in Paris on November 9, 2023.
The UNESCO-Japan Prize on education for sustainable development is an award program initiated by UNESCO and financially supported by the Japanese government since 2014. It aims to motivate ESD practitioners worldwide to undertake better initiatives and to promote outstanding projects globally. Starting from 2021, every two years, three projects are selected, and the winning institutions receive a grant of 50,000 US dollars each. The three laureates were selected from 92 nominations, submitted by the governments of 51 member states and 7 organizations in official partnership with UNESCO. This is the second case a Japanese institution has received the award since its establishment.
※“Intergenerational Learning on ESD to revitalize remote communities inside Japanese UNESCO Biosphere Reserves and Geopark”
Project Overview:This project utilizes registered UNESCO Biosphere Reserves and Geopark areas for the implementation of ESD practices. The project was initiated in 2015 by Associate Professor Aida MAMMADOVA from Kanazawa University, in collaboration with Takashi YAMAGUCHI from the local NPO Hakusan Shiramine Nature School. The project focuses on fostering intergenerational interactions between students and local residents in depopulated rural areas with aging populations. These interactions lead to positive changes in the values and behavior of both generations and contribute to the revitalization of the region to achieve a sustainable society.
UNESCO webcast of award ceremony
UNESCO UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development