10月30日,金沢大学博士研究人材支援?研究力強化戦略プロジェクト(HaKaSe+)※は,「異分野への扉 2023 ~異分野交流による課題探索会~」を実施し,HaKaSe+選抜学生約140名とプロジェクト担当教員が一堂に会しました。
Doctoral Students selected for HaKaSe+ gathered! KU held “Door to a different field 2023 – Exploring issues through cross-disciplinary interactions -”
On 30 October, Kanazawa University Strategic Project for Development of Doctoral Students and Research Promotion (HaKaSe+) held the “Door to a different field 2023 – Exploring issues through cross-disciplinary interactions -”. Approximately 140 students selected for HaKaSe+ and project teachers took part in this event.
HaKaSe+ are focusing on nurturing and producing doctoral talents who pioneer the future with a broad perspective based on deep expertise.
The participating students were divided into 23 groups, transcending research fields, grades and nationalities, on the basis of five themes on social issues: Food problem/security, Energy problems, Global environmental issues, Pandemic and Information society. In each group, students introduced his/her research and discussed with each other. Through group work, the students brought their specialized knowledge, identified social issues, and explored ideas for solving social issues through interdisciplinary research utilizing imagination and creativity.
After the event, students commented that they were able to gain new perspectives on their own research through discussions with researchers from different fields, and that they were motivated to work even harder on their research by seeing other doctoral students working diligently on their research.
※Kanazawa University Strategic Project for Development of Doctoral Students and Research Promotion (HaKaSe+)
HaKaSe+ selects excellent doctoral students and encourage a wide range of their activities in the future to enable Kanazawa University to nurture doctoral students who will be capable of innovating in Japan and the rest of the world under the three major pillars of the project: WISE Program for Nano-Precision Medicine, Science, and Technology, KU Doctoral Fellowship Project for Science & Technology and Project for Outstanding Next Generation Ph.D. Students.
HaKaSe+ provides various programs that lead to profound knowledge beyond the students’ specific academic fields, building their careers and supporting their futures beyond obtaining a doctorate, as well as extensive financial support.