
  • 4. 質の高い教育をみんなに
  • 11. 住み続けられるまちづくりを
  • 17. パートナーシップで目標を達成しよう

 金沢大学は9月23日,タイ?バンコクで 「Study and Work in Japan Fair for Thailand 2023」を開催しました。
 これは,本学が「文部科学省 日本留学海外拠点連携推進事業(ASEAN)」の活動の一つとして実施したもので,タイから日本への留学促進と留学生の日本定着が目的です。2019年度に事業を開始して以降,コロナ禍後初めての現地開催となりました。
 また,本フェアの目玉企画であるタイ人高校生対象の研究発表コンテスト(KAGAYAKI AWARD 2023)では,応募した124チームの中から選ばれた上位6チームが研究発表を行い,同時に開催されたPoster Presentationでは,次の上位13チームがポスターを展示?発表しました。
 高校生達は,KAGAYAKI AWARD最終審査員が驚くほどのハイレベルな研究発表を行いました。本コンテストの目的である「将来輝き(KAGAYAKI)を放つ有望な人材」を発掘することができました。

Study and Work in Japan Fair for Thailand 2023

On September 23, 2023, Kanazawa University hosted the “Study and Work in Japan Fair for Thailand 2023” in Bangkok, Thailand.
This fair was conducted as part of the “Study in Japan Global Network Project (ASEAN)”. The purpose of this initiative is to promote studying abroad from Thailand to Japan and to facilitate the integration of international students into Japanese society. Since the start of the project in 2019, this fair marked the first on-site event after the Covid-19 pandemic.
At the Knowledge Exchange for Innovation Center (KX), one of Kanazawa University’s liaison offices in Bangkok, thirty-one organizations (including institutions that provided materials and information on the website) exhibited and provided a wide range of information about universities and companies to approximately 450 Thai high school students, university students, and working adults who attended the event.
Many participants, showing high interest in studying in Japan and working in Japan or Japanese-affiliated companies in Thailand, obtained useful information from participating institutions and individual consultants.
In addition, during the final evaluation of the KAGAYAKI AWARD, the centerpiece of the fair, the six finalists selected from 124 teams presented their excellent research on stage. At the same time, 13 teams, as the next highest achievers, displayed and presented their posters. Many participants were fascinated by the outstanding research presented by these high school students. We discovered high school students in Thailand who have high potential for significant achievements and increased motivation for research.
In our post-event survey, nearly 90% of the respondents indicated that they were “satisfied or very satisfied” with the event, which concluded as a great success.

  • 金沢大学出展ブース
  • 日系企業の出展ブース
  • KAGAYAKI AWARD審査員と参加したタイ人高校生
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