KUEP Group B FAQ (融合学域?理工学域?医薬保健学域?自然科学研究科?医薬保健学総合研究科?先進予防医学研究科?新学術創成研究科のKUEP生向け)

FAQ for KUEP Group B
(the College of Transdisciplinary Sciences for Innovation 融合学域, the College of Science and Engineering 理工学域, the College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences 医薬保健学域, the Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology 自然科学研究科, the Graduate School of Medical Scienses 医薬保健学総合研究科, the Graduate School of Advanced Preventive Medical Scienses 先進予防医学研究科, the Graduate School of Frontier Science Initiative 新学術創成研究科)

全般 / General

  • 森林舞会_pt老虎机游戏-【亚洲最大娱乐平台】@用 / For Staff

How many students can we (partner schools) nominate for this program?


As a general rule, the number of students is limited to the number of students approved in the Memorandum of Understanding of Student Exchange between each partner university and Kanazawa University.

  • 森林舞会_pt老虎机游戏-【亚洲最大娱乐平台】@用 / For Staff
  • 学生用 / For Students

May we ask if the deadline of nomination and application can be extended further?


Deadlines must be strictly adhered to. If you have any problems, please contact us in advance.

  • 森林舞会_pt老虎机游戏-【亚洲最大娱乐平台】@用 / For Staff
  • 学生用 / For Students

Can KUEP students change the duration of their study term during the semester? (Extension/Shortening)


Extension is not possible. Shortening is possible on a Semester or Quarter basis after consultation with your supervisor at Kanazawa University.

応募資格 / Qualification

  • 森林舞会_pt老虎机游戏-【亚洲最大娱乐平台】@用 / For Staff
  • 学生用 / For Students

Can we (partner schools) nominate both undergraduate and graduate students?


■Course Level

  • 森林舞会_pt老虎机游戏-【亚洲最大娱乐平台】@用 / For Staff

The Science Department of our university (one of partner schools) has an agreement only with the College of Science and Engineering of Kanazawa University. Can we nominate students from the Social Sciences?


If your agreement with Kanazawa University is an interdepartmental agreement, you can only nominate students from your department with which you have an agreement.

教務 / Educational Affairs

  • 森林舞会_pt老虎机游戏-【亚洲最大娱乐平台】@用 / For Staff
  • 学生用 / For Students

What can KUEP students ask their supervisors at KU?


Students can ask for course advice and whether they are allowed to take the teacher's course. If you carry out your research at KUEP (Onsite), you can also request research guidance. However, you cannot ask your supervisor to supervise your dissertation.

  • 学生用 / For Students

Are there any supplementary classes or office hours?


Depends on the teacher in charge of each class and the school.

  • 学生用 / For Students

Can KUEP students get help from tutors?


If you need support from a tutor, please ask your supervisor to make arrangements.

学籍 / Status

  • 森林舞会_pt老虎机游戏-【亚洲最大娱乐平台】@用 / For Staff
  • 学生用 / For Students

Can KUEP students leave of absence from Kanazawa university during the course of their studies?


You cannot take a leave of absence.

授業 / Classes

  • 森林舞会_pt老虎机游戏-【亚洲最大娱乐平台】@用 / For Staff
  • 学生用 / For Students

How many hours take one credit point at Kanazawa University?


A period is 1.5 hours. With a course held once a week for one quarter (8 weeks) is 1 credit point. If a course is held twice a week in one quarter, it will be 2 credits.

  • 森林舞会_pt老虎机游戏-【亚洲最大娱乐平台】@用 / For Staff
  • 学生用 / For Students

Is there a syllabus or timetable specifically for KUEP, a list of available courses and information indicating the language (Japanese or English) used in the lectures?

KUEP専用のシラバス等はありません。WebシラバスでEMI(English Medium Instruction)で検索すれば、英語授業を検索できます。

There is no dedicated syllabus, etc. for KUEP.
You can find English classes by searching for EMI (English Medium Instruction) in the Web-Syllabus.


★Class Time
月:Monday 火:Tuesday 水:Wednesday 木:Thursday 金:Friday
e.g.: Wed2 (Wednesday/ 2nd period/ 10:30-12:00)
1限?1st period/ 8:45-10:15
2限?2nd period/ 10:30-12:00
3限?3rd period/ 13:00-14:30
4限?4th period/ 14:45-16:15
5限?5th period/ 16:30-18:00

  • 学生用 / For Students

When can KUEP students register for courses?


Students register at undergraduate level just before the start of the quarter (or just after the start of the quarter for students entering in October) and at graduate level just after the start of the quarter.
Students are required to register their courses at the portal site of KU. Your KU ID and a tentative password will be sent by email from your affiliation, please register with them.

  • 学生用 / For Students

How KUEP students register for courses?


At the portal site of KU. Please check how to register courses with the manual provided at an orientation.

  • 学生用 / For Students

What are the different types of classes KUEP students can take? (Japanese language courses for international students/ liberal arts courses/ specialized courses/ or lectures/seminars)


Students can take all courses offered by our university, including courses on Japanese language and culture for international students. However, some courses designated by the department or teacher are excluded.

  • 学生用 / For Students

What courses and fields of study are available at KUEP?

Please check the URL below.

■履修科目検索 Search for classes

■研究者情報 Directory of Researchers at KU

■自然科学研究科担当教員研究課題一覧及び研究室ポートレートへの入り口 List of faculty staffs and research subjects in charge of the graduate school of natural science and technology and links to laboratory portraits

  • 学生用 / For Students

What is the procedure to obtain the instructor's informal consent?

① まず、希望する教員を探します。2つの方法があります。
参考:研究者情報のページ https://ridb.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/public/
参考:Webシラバス https://eduweb.sta.kanazawa-.ac.jp/portal/Public/Syllabus/SearchMain.aspx

②研究者情報の教員写真の下の マークで、メール等の連絡先を確認し、直接教員に問い合わせてくだ

①First, find the teacher you want. There are two ways.
?Method 1
Search by entering a keyword or instructor name on “Directory of Researchers at Kanazawa University” website top.
reference:Directory of Researchers at Kanazawa University

?Method 2
Go to “Directory of Researchers at Kanazawa University ”linked to the name of the instructor in charge of each subject on the Web Syllabus
reference:Web Syllabus (course guide)

②Please check the contact information such as e-mail with the mark below the photo
of the instructor in “Directory of Researchers at Kanazawa University ”, and
contact the instructor directly (Japanese or English). If you do not know his/her
e-mail address, please contact International Student Section, International Student Exchange Division (ryukou@adm.kanazawa-u.ac.jp).

③If you write specifically and concisely what kind of content you want to learn, it
will be easier for the instructor to make a decision to accept you.

授業料 / Tuition

  • 森林舞会_pt老虎机游戏-【亚洲最大娱乐平台】@用 / For Staff
  • 学生用 / For Students

Is there a tuition fee reduction scheme for those who exceed the tuition-free quota?

No,there isn't.

単位 / Credits

  • 森林舞会_pt老虎机游戏-【亚洲最大娱乐平台】@用 / For Staff
  • 学生用 / For Students

What is the minimum and maximum number of credit units KUEP students can register.


A minimum of 10 hours of study time per week and at least 7 credits per week in classes is required.
-KUEP students are allowed to register for maximum of 5 courses per week for Japanese language program courses (Up to 5 credits per quarter).
-For more information, please consult your supervisor.

在留資格 / Status of residence

  • 森林舞会_pt老虎机游戏-【亚洲最大娱乐平台】@用 / For Staff
  • 学生用 / For Students

After my enrollment period ends, can I stay in Japan for sightseeing?


Please change the residence status to temporary Visitor.
*Please note that if you change your status, your National Health Insurance will become invalid.

  • 森林舞会_pt老虎机游戏-【亚洲最大娱乐平台】@用 / For Staff
  • 学生用 / For Students

After my enrollment period ends, can I stay in Japan to do an internship?


Please change the residence status. The status of residence for an internship varies depending on whether there is income or not and also the duration of the internship. The host company and you will be responsible for changing your status of residence to an appropriate one.

  • 森林舞会_pt老虎机游戏-【亚洲最大娱乐平台】@用 / For Staff
  • 学生用 / For Students

After my enrollment period ends, can I stay in Japan to look for a job?


Special Auditor (KUEP students) are not allowed to stay in Japan for the purpose of looking for a job. Please return to your home country.

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