"Acanthus" is a plant that originates from ancient Greece and Rome, and its Japanese name is haazami. It is the motif of Kanazawa University 's emblem, the name has been used for facilities on campus, and it has been familiar to students and faculty for many years. Enjoy the latest news from Kanazawa University.
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Acanthus 55号 2024年11月発行
- 【特集1】金沢大学がつくるサステナブルな社会
- 【特集2】令和6年能登半島地震?奥能登豪雨における本学の取り組み
- 学生のための連載企画Enjoy!!
Acanthus 54号 2024年6月発行
- 【特集1】輝く未来に向けた金沢大学の展望
- 【特集2】令和6年能登半島地震における本学の取り組み
- 学生のための連載企画Enjoy!!
Acanthus 53, published October 2023
- [Special Feature] Lab Navi - All 20 school ~
- Enjoy a series by students for students!!
Acanthus 52, published April 2023.
- [Special Feature] Noteworthy Studies on Kanazawa University G-7
- Enjoy a series by students for students!!
- Kanazawa University New Original Goods
Acanthus 51, published December 2022
- Special Feature] Job Hunting & Carry-Out Activities: The Forefront of Job Hunting
- New serial by students for students Enjoy!
Acanthus 50, published June 2022
- Special Feature] New President Inauguration! Ask Takashi Wada President about the prospects for Kanazawa University
- New serial by students for students Enjoy!
Acanthus Special Issue March 2022
- Message from Yamazaki President who is finishing his term of office
President Looking back on 8 years of the era - To Kanazawa University loved by the community and shining in the world - Kanazawa University 2014-2021 Major Initiatives Playback
- Yamazaki from an extramural expert's point of view President and Kanazawa University
Acanthus 49, published October 2021
- [Special feature] Kanazawa University ×SDGs
- New serial by students for students Enjoy!
- <Special Program> Special exhibition of SDG-related books at Central Library and Natural Science and Technology Library [10/18-11/8].
Acanthus 48, published April 2021
- Special Feature] Complete Guide to Student Support
- Kanazawa University with Corona Initiatives
- New serial by students for students Enjoy!
Acanthus 47, published September 2020
- [Special feature] New education at Kanazawa University
- Kanazawa University Student Support in the form of support that is close to students
- We want to know more! Kanazawa Univ. alumni who are active globally
Acanthus 46, March 2020
- Special Feature] ACTION - Hand in Hand with the Community and Society
- Latest 17 school NEWS
- Kanazawa University self-challenge
- Circles & Projects
- Go to the laboratory!
- Learn more! Kanazawa University, a force for community and society
Acanthus 45, October 2019
- Special Feature] Brand New Stage Kanazawa University Toward a New Era of Research
- Latest 17 school NEWS
- Kanazawa University self-challenge
- Circles & Projects
- Go to the laboratory!
- Learn more about Russia! Expanding and Deepening International Educational Cooperation with Russia
Acanthus 44, July 2019
- [Special feature] Weaving the future - with me Kanazawa University-
- Latest 17 school NEWS
- Career Support
- Circles & Projects
- Go to the laboratory!
- Learn more! Kanazawa University Entrepreneurship fostered by
Acanthus 43, March 2019
- Special feature] "Together" drawing -Kanazawa University and social connections
- Latest 17 school NEWS
- Kanazawa University self-challenge
- Circles & Projects
- Go to the laboratory!
- Learn more! Kanazawa University Medicinal Botanical Garden of
Acanthus 42, October 2018
- [Special issue] Research strategy goes sky high. Kanazawa University
- Latest 17 school NEWS
- Kanazawa University self-challenge
- Circles & Projects
- Go to the laboratory!
- Learn more! Cafes & Cafeterias on Campus
Acanthus 41, July 2018.
- Special Feature] Challenge! Kanazawa University Students
- Latest 17 school NEWS
- Go to the laboratory!
- I want to know more! Kanazawa University International Students in
Acanthus 40, March 2018
- Special Feature] Kanazawa University and the Community and Society Together Fostering x Creating x Supporting
- Latest!16 school NEWS
- Kanazawa University fund
- Circles & Projects
- Go to the laboratory!
- We want to know more! Kanazawa University Students in Motion
Acanthus 39, November 2017.
- Special Feature] Kanazawa University 's Research Network Expands Worldwide
- Latest!16 school NEWS
- Student Counseling Service
- Circles & Projects
- Go to the laboratory!
- Learn more! Kanazawa University Overseas Liaison Offices in
Acanthus 38, July 2017
- Special Feature] CHANGING Changing Entrance Examinations, New Organizations
- Latest!16 school NEWS
- English Learning Support
- Circles & Projects
- Go to the laboratory!
- Learn more! Kanazawa University NEW SPOT for
Acanthus 37, March 2017
- Special feature] What kind of social contribution does a university make?
- Latest!16 school NEWS
- Career and Employment Support
- Circles & Projects
- Kanazawa University self-challenge
- Knowing More! Evolving University Libraries Extra
Acanthus 36, November 2016
- Special Feature] Discovery! Kanazawa University Research of the "Mere Old Man" can be found in such places
- Latest!16 school NEWS
- Employment Support/Internship
- Circles & Projects
- Kanazawa University self-challenge
- Learn more! Evolving University Libraries vol.02
Acanthus 35, July 2016.
- Special feature] START&GOAL Let's start a journey to the "future".
- Latest!16 school NEWS
- Overseas experience training
- Circles & Projects
- Kanazawa University self-challenge
- Learn more! Evolving University Libraries vol.01
Acanthus 34, March 2016.
- [Special feature] Kanazawa University works with local communities to build a better society
- Latest!16 school NEWS
- Reliable senior student supporters in action
- Circles & Projects
- Kanazawa University self-challenge
- We want to know more! Food" Life of Kanazawa University Students
Acanthus 33, November 2015.
- Special Feature] Kanazawa University opens the way! Research Projects that Shine in the World
- Latest!16 school NEWS
- Entrepreneur Contest
- Circles & Projects
- Kanazawa University self-challenge
- I want to know more! Kanazawa University Launch! Rikejo's Star
Acanthus 32, July 2015.
- [Special Feature] Become a Global Leader at Kanazawa University!
- Latest!16 school NEWS
- Regional "Super" Experience Program
- Circles & Projects
- Kanazawa University self-challenge
- Learn more! Kanazawa University Research Frontiers in
Acanthus 31, February 2015
- [Special feature] What connects Kanazawa University and the region
- Latest!16 school NEWS
- Student Challenge Project
- Circles & Volunteers
- Kanazawa University self-challenge
- I want to know more! Kanazawa University The House of
Acanthus 30, November 2014.
- [Special feature] Keep challenging Kanazawa University CHALLENGE THE FUTURE
- Kanazawa University self-challenge
- Kanazawa University Student Support for
- Circle & Student Projects
- Latest!16 school NEWS
- Kanazawa University Alumni Associations
- Shine! Kanazawa University Photo Contest
Acanthus 29, August 2014.
- Latest!16 school NEWS
- Circles & Volunteers
- Kanazawa University Student Support for
- Kanazawa University self-challenge
- I want to know more! Kanazawa University
Acanthus Special Issue April 2014
- Koetsu Yamazaki New President Interview
- To realize the YAMAZAKI Plan 2014
Acanthus No. 28 March 2014
- Shinichi Nakamura Tracks at President
- Special Feature] Advanced Medical Research for a New Era of "Prevention
- Interviews with Graduates
- 16 school News
- Alumni Associations and Foundations
- Circle Introduction
- News & Topics
- Event Calendar
Acanthus No. 27 November 2013
- Special Feature] The Research Power of Kanazawa University- Challenges to New Knowledge
- Interviews with Graduates
- Kanazawa University Open facilities in
- Discover! Kanazawa University Interesting Spots!
- Circle Introduction
- News & Topics
- Event Calendar
Acanthus No. 26 July 2013
- Special Feature] A Breath of Knowledge from Kanazawa University
- Student Interviews
- Serials] Let's Go to the Library 3
- Kanazawa University Graduate School of
- Kanazawa International Student House "Sakii", Kanazawa University Foundation
- Circle Introduction
- News & Topics
- Event Calendar
Acanthus No. 25 March 2013
- [Special feature] Internationalization of Kanazawa University
- Student Interviews
- Serials] Let's Go to the Library 2
- Kanazawa University 150th anniversary of foundation
- Kanazawa University Alumni Association and Kanazawa University Foundation
- Circle Introduction
- News & Topics
- Event Calendar
Acanthus No.24 November 2012
- Special Feature] Pioneering the Future through Knowledge Creation and Human Resource Development
- Interviews with Graduates
- Serials] Let's Go to the Library 1
- Kanazawa University 150th anniversary of foundation
- Kanazawa University Alumni Association and Kanazawa University Foundation
- Circle Introduction
- News & Topics
- Event Calendar
Acanthus No.23 July 2012
- Pledge of Allegiance Ceremony
- Special feature: Kanazawa University 's common education that fosters a rich humanity.
- Interviews with Graduates
- Serials] Kanazawa University 's Community Relations Report 3
- Kanazawa University 150th anniversary of foundation
- Kanazawa University Alumni Association and Kanazawa University Foundation
- Circle Introduction
- News & Topics
- Event Calendar
Acanthus No.22 March 2012
- Special Feature] Inheritance of Knowledge and Creation of Knowledge-Kanazawa University 150th Anniversary of the Founding of the Founding of the Founding of the Founding
- Serials] Kanazawa University 's Community Relations Report 2
- Emergency Special】Preparing for a Huge Earthquake 3
- Student Interviews
- Kanazawa University Alumni Association Information
- Circle Introduction
- News & Topics
- Event Calendar
- Browsing around campus
Acanthus No.21 November 2011
- [Special Feature] Kanazawa University Changing the world through innovation in the first place
- Emergency Special】Preparing for a Huge Earthquake 2
- Kanazawa University gender equality
- Serials] Kanazawa University 's Community Relations Report 1
- Interviews with Graduates
- Circle Introduction
- Kanazawa University Alumni Association Information
- Kanazawa University Fund and the 150th Anniversary of the Founding of the Foundation
- News & Topics
- Event Calendar
- Browsing around campus
Acanthus No.20 July 2011
- Special Feature] Human Resource Development of Kanazawa University for a Global Society
- Emergency Special】Preparing for a Huge Earthquake 1
- Kanazawa University gender equality
- Interviews with Graduates
- Circle Introduction
- Kanazawa University Alumni Association Information
- Kanazawa University Fund and the 150th Anniversary of the Founding of the Foundation
- News & Topics
- Event Calendar
- Browsing around campus
Acanthus No.19 March 2011
- Special Feature] University Education Changed by ICT
- Kanazawa University gender equality
- [Serial] Career Support at Kanazawa University
- Student Interviews
- Circle Introduction
- Kanazawa University Alumni Association Information
- Kanazawa University Fund and the 150th Anniversary of the Founding of the Foundation
- News & Topics
- Event Calendar
- Browsing around campus
Acanthus No.18 November 2010
- Special Feature] Further Refining Our Unique Strengths: Aiming to be a World-class Research Center
- Kanazawa University gender equality
- [Serial] Career Support at Kanazawa University
- Interviews with Graduates
- Circle Introduction
- Kanazawa University Alumni Association Information
- Kanazawa University Fund and the 150th Anniversary of the Founding of the Foundation
- Discover! Kanazawa University Interesting Spots!
- Data Note
- News & Topics
- Event Calendar
Acanthus No.17 July 2010
- Special Feature] Students Challenging to Achieve Their Dreams
- Pledge of Allegiance Ceremony
- University Library guide
- Interviews with Graduates
- Circle Introduction
- [Serial] Career Support at Kanazawa University
- Kanazawa University Alumni Association Information
- Data Note
- News & Topics
- Event Calendar
Acanthus No.16 February 2010
- Special Feature] People, Technology, and Mind: The Latest Medical Treatment at Kanazawa University- Its Traditions and Innovations
- Education, Research, and Social Contribution Environmental Initiatives at Kanazawa University
- Interviews with Graduates
- Circle Introduction
- Campus Time Slip 5: Kakuma Campus
- Kanazawa University Alumni Association Information
- Data Note
- News & Topics
- Event Calendar
Acanthus No.15 August 2009
- Special Feature] Passionate Research Supported by Inquiring Minds
- Kanazawa University live one-on-one interview
- Student Interviews
- Circle Introduction
- Campus Time Slip 4: Odatsuno District
- Kanazawa University Alumni Association Information
- Data Note
- News & Topics
- Event Calendar
Acanthus No.14 April 2009
- Special Feature] Accelerating Internationalization of Kanazawa University
- Kanazawa University Asian Human Resource Development Project is in full swing!
- Eco Web Survey
- Interviews with Graduates
- Circle Introduction
- Campus Time Slip 3: The Schools of the University of Tokyo
- Kanazawa University Alumni Association Information
- Data Note
- News & Topics
- Event Calendar
Acanthus No.13 December 2008
- Special Feature] Innovation Creation at Kanazawa University
- Kanazawa University Asian Human Resource Development Project is in full swing!
- Interviews with Graduates
- Circle Introduction
- Campus Time Slip 2 Takara-machi /Tsuruma campus ed.
- Kanazawa University Alumni Association Information
- Data Note
- News & Topics
- Event Calendar
Acanthus No.12 August 2008
- [Special feature] "Practical Education" at Kanazawa University in research
- Kanazawa University Community Contribution Activities of
- Cafeteria Web Survey
- Interviews with Graduates
- Circle Introduction
- Campus Time Slip 1: Jonouchi Campus New Serial
- Kanazawa University Alumni Association Information
- Data Note
- News & Topics
- Event Calendar
Acanthus No.11 April 2008
- Listen to the new Shin Nakamura President
- Special Feature: Student Support at the New Kanazawa University
- Visual Identity in the Tradition
- Footprints of Yujiro Hayashi President
- Noto Peninsula Earthquake: Survey and Research Report 3
- Interviews with Graduates
- Circle Introduction
- Kanazawa University Alumni Association Information
- Data Note
- News & Topics
- Event Calendar
Acanthus No.10 December 2007
- Special Feature] All the Earth's Fields for Research: A "Global Research Hub" Supporting the Spirit of Inquiry
- Noto Peninsula Earthquake Survey and Research Report 2
- Interviews with Graduates
- Nowadays Kanazawa University Raw "Web Survey Tabulation Results"
- Circle Introduction
- Kanazawa University Alumni Association Information
- Data Note
- News & Topics
- Event Calendar
Acanthus No.9 August 2007
- Special Feature] More Freedom, More Depth. Evolving Kanazawa University 's "3 college ?16 school
- Kanazawa University Service Facilities Guide
- Noto Peninsula Earthquake: Survey and Research Report 1
- Student Interviews
- Circle Introduction
- Kanazawa University Alumni Association Information
- Data Note
- News & Topics
- Event Calendar
Acanthus No.8 April 2007
- Special feature: Kanazawa University 's social contribution to enhance with the community
- Season Watch [SPRING] Swearing-in Ceremony
- Interviews with Graduates
- Circle Introduction
- Kanazawa, the City of Learning: A Historical Exploration, Part 1
- Kanazawa University Alumni Association Information
- Data Note
- News & Topics
- Event Calendar
Acanthus No.7 December 2006
- [Special feature] Spreading and Going Kanazawa University "The Power of Knowledge"
- Student Interviews
- Circle Introduction
- Kanazawa University Alumni Association Information
- the Fourth Higher School Events to Commemorate the 120th Anniversary of the University's Opening
- Kanazawa, the City of Learning: A Historical Exploration
- News & Topics
- Event Calendar
Acanthus No.6 August 2006
- Special Feature: Minor x 3 college
- Researchers active on the world stage
- New Common Education Courses
- PC Utilization Program
- Campus Cruising Map
- Circle Introduction
- Student Interviews
- the Fourth Higher School Events commemorating the 120th anniversary of the university's founding...etc.
Acanthus No.5 April 2006
- Pledge Ceremony for the 2006 Academic Year
- Discussion on regional revitalization from the Chubu Region's large President
- The basis is self-study with one's own vision
- Aiming to break through the vertically divided academic system and reach the front-line level
- I want to track down the electromagnetic waves of the aurora borealis.
- Eliminating the Noise of "Heat" and Approaching the Essence of Matter
- Become a tourist city that everyone can enjoy
- Unique collaboration between Katamachi and students
- Toward more satisfactory treatment... etc.
Acanthus No.4 January 2006
- Background and history of the reorganization concept from 8 faculties to 3 college 16 school
- Assistant Professor Shinichi Nakamura receives the Hamada Seiryo Prize
- New students must have a laptop!
- Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology and Komatsu sign industry-academia collaboration agreement
- New central medical building to provide advanced and advanced medical care
- Department of Community Medicine" to support the Noto area, which has a shortage of physicians.
Acanthus No.3 October 2005
- Six-year pharmacy school/new four-year program starts next year
- Ishimura Professor to JOC Reinforcement Staff
- Kanazawa University Formula Study Group Overall Winner
- School of Medicine University Hospital New central medical building opens
- Students made recommendations to the Women's Association!
- Ishikawa Prefectural Kanazawa Hospital and Ishikawa Prefectural Kanazawa Medical Center
Acanthus No.2 July 2005
- Completed interactive remote learning system
- Luncheon Seminar
- Kanazawa University "Peer Supporters" are allies to the distressed students.
- Developing Seeds into Businesses
- The best surgery with "angel hands".
- Citizen's Graduate School" begins
Acanthus No.1 May 2005
- talk about learning
- Elucidate the structure of proteins in function!
- Protect soil and water from arsenic contamination!
- Liver Center is here.
Acanthus News Back Number
Acanthus News Monthly has been capturing the "now" of Kanazawa University from April 1996 to March 2005. You can browse most of the back numbers on this page.
No. | publishing | Top News |
No. 99 | March 2005 | Natural Science and Technology Library and South Welfare Facility opened in April |
No. 98 | February 2005 | Seminar "Business Creation Workshop" co-hosted with Rikkyo University begins. |
No.97 | January 2005 | One step forward. The Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology building on the verge of completing its relocation |
No. 96 | December 2004 (Heisei 16) | Connecting the Vitality of Suzu City with the Knowledge of the University -Town Meeting in Suzu City |
No. 95 | November 2004 (Heisei 16) | General meeting of the National Association of National Universities held in Kanazawa, with consideration of a fall admission system. |
No. 94 | October 2004 (Heisei 16) | Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Obtaining competitive funding for |
No. 93 | September 2004 (Heisei 16) | Kanazawa University The second "21st Century COE Program" is adopted. |
- | August 2004 (Heisei 16) | The publication is closed. |
No. 92 | July 2004 (Heisei 16) | Kanazawa University collaborates in the restoration of the mural painting in the Church of Santa Croce, Florence, Italy. |
No. 91 | June 2004 (Heisei 16) | Nine new Emeritus Professor were awarded title insignia. |
No. 90 | May 2004 (Heisei 16) | Enrich your youth with a sense of responsibility for the 21st century - 2004 Admission Pledge Ceremony |
No. 89 | April 2004 (Heisei 16) | National University Corporation Kanazawa University start |
No. 88 | March 2004 (Heisei 16) | Mr. Kazumasa Niwa (Institute for Nature Study) won the grand prize in the Chubu Campus Venture Grand Prix |
No. 87 | February 2004 (Heisei 16) | University and local government officials and citizens exchanged opinions on the theme of university contributions to the local community. |
No.86 | January 2004 | Ig Nobel Prize" Winner Discusses the Interests of Science |
No. 85 | December 2003 (Heisei 15) | Expectations for Training Excellent Legal Professionals: The Only Law School in Hokuriku Established |
No.84 | November 2003 (Heisei 15) | Ig Nobel Prize for Science Hirose Professor |
No.83 | October 2003 (Heisei 15) | Expand the scope of your work and devote yourself to your duties Hayashi President, Addresses his second term in front of the secretariat staff. |
No.82 | September 2003 (Heisei 15) | Kanazawa University Expectations for the Law School of the -15th Annual Kanazawa University Forum- -15th Annual Forum- -15th Annual Forum- -15th Annual Forum |
- | August 2003 (Heisei 15) | The publication is closed. |
No.81 | July 2003 (Heisei 15) | Yujiro Hayashi, currently President, was re-elected as the next President candidate |
No. 80 | June 2003 (Heisei 15) | Celebrating the establishment of three centers |
No. 79 | May 2003 (Heisei 15) | Two Engineering Departments Accredited by JABEE |
No. 78 | April 2003 (Heisei 15) | Department of Economics Nomura Professor on Kanazawa University Shigyoin Award |
No.77 | March 2003 (Heisei 15) | Special Lecture "Implications of the Incorporation of National Universities" |
No.76 | February 2003 (Heisei 15) | Regional Contribution Promotion Project Town Meeting in Wajima |
No.75 | January 2003 (Heisei 15) | The "Hokuriku Region Union of National Universities" is established. |
No. 74 | December 2002 (Heisei 14) | The 2nd Kanazawa University Forum was held in 2002. |
No.73 | November 2002 (Heisei 14) | Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Toyama Kanazawa University Visited Kakuma Campus |
No.72 | October 2002 (Heisei 14) | The 21st Century COE Program, <Interdisciplinary, Complex, and Frontier Fields>, adopted. |
No.71 | September 2002 (Heisei 14) | Keep the old the Fourth Higher School tradition alive. |
- | August 2002 (Heisei 14) | The publication is closed. |
No.70 | July 2002 (Heisei 14) | Graduate School Faculty of Medicine Graduate School Division of Health Sciences Doctoral Program Establishment Ceremony |
No. 69 | June 2002 (Heisei 14) | New title insignia awarded to Emeritus Professor |
No.68 | May 2002 (Heisei 14) | Swearing-in Ceremony for Admission |
No.67 | April 2002 (Heisei 14) | Held the 4th Management Advisory Council Meeting |
No.66 | March 2002 (Heisei 14) | Tsune Owada, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, delivers a lecture. |
No.65 | February 2002 | Kanazawa University Satellite Plaza opens with a new look |
No.64 | January 2002 | Russian Ambassador and former Prime Minister Mori visited the university |
No.63 | December 2001 | Phase II construction in full swing |
No.62 | November 2001 | Global Network of Exchange Visits Dalian University, China |
No.61 | October 2001 | School of Medicine University Hospital New hospital wing completed |
No.60 | September 2001 | 3rd Management Advisory Council Meeting |
No. 59 | July 2001 | Errors in pass/fail judgment of entrance examinations in the 1997 and 1998 academic years |
No.58 | June 2001 | Emeritus Professor Title conferment ceremony and reception |
No.57 | May 2001 | Hayashi President Teaching |
No.56 | April 2001 | Degree and diploma conferment ceremony |
No.55 | March 2001 | Kanazawa University Forum Teiichi Satoh Day Kanazawa University Jutsu Shinkokai Trustee Director Special Lecture |
No.54 | February 2001 | Entrance examination rush The National Center Test for University Admissions → Application forms accepted |
No.53 | January 2001 | President New Year's Message Seeking Openness and Independence Kanazawa University Director Yujiro Hayashi |
No.52 | December 2000 (Heisei 12) | Signed an exchange agreement with the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences |
No.51 | November 2000 (Heisei 12) | Visit by Mr. Ono, Vice Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology |
No.50 | October 2000 (Heisei 12) | Comprehensive Relocation Phase II Project Kakuma Campus "Construction Now |
No.49 | September 2000 (Heisei 12) | Held the 1st Management Advisory Council Meeting |
No.48 | July 2000 (Heisei 12) | Twelve new recipients awarded Emeritus Professor titles |
No.47 | June 2000 (Heisei 12) | Agreement between the Faculty of Arts and Letters and the School of Oriental Studies, Princeton University (U.S.A.) |
No.46 | May 2000 (Heisei 12) | Public Symposium on "The Community and Kanazawa University |
No.45 | April 2000 (Heisei 12) | Celebrating Graduation and Completion: 2,485 Students Leave the Nest |
No.44 | March 2000 (Heisei 12) | 8 Universities in the Prefecture and 8 Universities in Jiangsu Province, China, Conclude Multi-University Friendship Exchange Agreements |
No.43 | February 2000 | Satoyama Nature School in Kakuma" opens the rich nature of Kakuma to the public. |
No.42 | January 2000 | Learn about the image of a university that contributes to society at the Science and Technology Forum |
No.41 | December 1999 (Heisei 11) | Held industry-academia-government technical exchange meeting |
No. 40 | November 1999 (Heisei 11) | Considering the Onrushing University Reform |
No.39 | October 1999 (Heisei 11) | The new President system starts! Yujiro Hayashi is appointed as the 9th President |
No.38 | September 1999 (Heisei 11) | First manufacturing class held |
No.37 | July 1999 (Heisei 11) | New President determined |
No.36 | June 1999 (Heisei 11) | Kanazawa University Celebrates its 50th anniversary |
No. 35 | May 1999 (Heisei 11) | Pledge Ceremony for the 1999 school year was held. |
No.34 | April 1999 (Heisei 11) | 1998 Academic Degree and Certificate Conferral Ceremony |
No.33 | March 1999 (Heisei 11) | Prevent Sexual Harassment! Lecture for Faculty and Staff |
No.32 | February 1999 (Heisei 11) | Kanazawa University First graduate school credit transfer agreement between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Kanazawa Institute of Technology in Hokushinetsu |
No. 31 | January 1999 (Heisei 11) | Special Lecture to Promote Industry-Academia Collaboration |
No.30 | December 1998 (Heisei 10) | U.S. faculty delegation of 38 visits Kanazawa University |
No. 29 | November 1998 (Heisei 10) | Campus 50" Symposium Proposes Vision for the Future of Kanazawa University |
No. 28 | October 1998 | Exchange Agreement with Kazan University (Russia) |
No. 27 | September 1998 (Heisei 10) | First joint undergraduate information session welcoming high school students |
No. 26 | July 1998 (Heisei 10) | Affiliated Junior High School choral competition |
No. 25 | June 1998 (Heisei 10) | Many citizens attended "Introduction to Coffee Studies. |
No. 24 | May 1998 (Heisei 10) | Groundbreaking and groundbreaking ceremony for the Comprehensive Relocation Phase II Project. |
No. 23 | April 1998 (Heisei 10) | Takara-machi Start of redevelopment |
No.22 | March 1998 (Heisei 10) | Launch - 50th Anniversary Project Supporting Committee |
No.21 | February 1998 | The National Center Test for University Admissions is held. |
No. 20 | January 1998 | Many people gathered for the "Exhibition of Old Photographs and Other Materials from the Bakumatsu-Meiji Period. |
No. 19 | December 1997 | Mr. Taizo Nagano speaks at the Forum (2nd) |
No.18 | November 1997 | Held a briefing session on Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research |
No. 17 | October 1997 | Resignation letter of reappointment issued to Akira Okada President |
No.16 | September 1997 | Mr. Takashi Kosugi, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, visited the school. |
No.15 | July 1997 | Akira Okada, current President, was re-elected as the next President candidate |
No.14 | June 1997 (Heisei 9) | Graduate School Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology Celebrating Reorganization |
No.13 | May 1997 (Heisei 9) | Pledge Ceremony for the 1997 school year was held. |
No.12 | April 1997 | Conferral Ceremony of Academic Degrees and Certificates for Academic Year 1996 |
No.11 | March 1997 | Kanazawa University Forum to Explore "Issues Concerning Student Life |
No.10 | February 1997 | Signed an international exchange agreement with Suzhou University (China) |
No. 9 | January 1997 | The "Kanazawa University 50 Year History Compilation Office" is established. |
No.8 | December 1996 (Heisei 8) | Held 2nd roundtable meeting with external experts |
No. 7 | November 1996 (Heisei 8) | Second Forum on International Exchange to be Held |
No.6 | October 1996 (Heisei 8) | Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology Degree Conferral Ceremony |
No. 5 | September 1996 (Heisei 8) | "Roundtable with Academic Experts." |
No.4 | July 1996 (Heisei 8) | "Day Kanazawa University roundtable meeting between members of the Council on Science and Technology and scientists." |
No.3 | June 1996 (Heisei 8) | Unveiling Ceremony of the Center for Foreign Language Education and Research |
No.2 | May 1996 (Heisei 8) | Organization for Liberal Arts and Education is established. |
No. 1 | April 1996 (Heisei 8) | Unveiling Ceremony of the Comprehensive Education Building |