Student Insurance

Insurance that is compulsory at Kanazawa University

Kanazawa University requires students to subscribe to the following insurance policies to prepare for accidents during their student life. From October 2019, students admitted to the university are required to join the Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research (Gakkensai) and Liability Insurance Coupled with Gakkensai (Futaibaiseki) insurance plans.Both insurance policies are available to students of universities and junior colleges throughout Japan, and are handled by the Japan Educational Exchanges and Services.


* Futaibaiseki is not available alone

*For international students, it is compulsory to  have "Gakkensai" and Comprehensive Insurance for Students Lives Coupled with "Gakkensai" called "Inbound Futaigakuso". For more information, please check here. 

1. Overview of Gakkensai and Futaibaiseki


 In Japan and overseas, this insurance provides coverage against ① physical injuries as a result of a sudden and unexpected extraneous accidents that occur during educational and research activities and ② injuries that occur while commuting to school or in transit between school facilities. Illnesses are not covered by this insurance.


 In Japan and overseas, this insurance provides coverage against legal liability for injuries inflicted on others, property damage, etc. (excluding those resulting from traffic accidents), that occur during curricular activities, school events, extracurricular activities, or commuting to and from them (including internships, nurse training, teaching practice, volunteering, etc., and commuting to and from them which are set as curricular activities or school events by the university).


Gakkensai and Futaibaiseki for more information: JEES Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research Website

2.Enrollment procedures and Insurance periods

Enrollment procedures

(1) Please pay the insurance premiums at your nearest post office using the prescribed payment form (payment service charge is to be borne by the student).

(2) The payment form is available at the student affairs section of your affiliated college school/ graduate school and at the Health Service Center.

(3) Newly admitted students must make payment using the payment form enclosed in the enrollment procedure manual that will be sent after the announcement of acceptance.

(4) Please keep the "bill and receipt for transfer payment" or "statement of charges (in case of ATM payment)" issued upon payment of premiums without discarding it. It will serve as proof of payment.


<Reference materials at the time of procedure>

?(Japanese notation)  学研災保険料一覧 

?(Japanese notation)【学域?総合教育?編入用】払込取扱票記入方法

?(Japanese notation)【研究科用】払込取扱票記入方法

Insurance periods

Commencement of Insurance Conclusion of Insurance
Students admitted in April (for students admitted between April and August) From 0:00 a.m., April 1

of the year in which the insurance period ends

to 12 p.m., March 31

Students admitted in September From 0:00 a.m., September 1

of the year in which the insurance period ends

to 12 p.m., August 31

Students admitted in October (for students admitted between October to March) From 0:00 a.m., October 1

of the year in which the insurance period ends

to 12 p.m., September 30

* If paid the insurance premium the month before enrollment, the insurance will be valid from the first day ofenrollment.

* If you pay the insurance premium after enrollment, the insurance will be  effective from the day after payment is made. However, it is strongly recommended to pay the premiums before the month of enrollment to avoid interruption of insurance coverage.

* If you pay the wrong amount, your insurance may become void.

* If there is an error in the information on the payment slip, Health Service Center (TEL:? ?076-264-5254 orE-mail: may contact you.

3.Confirmation of subscription status

You can check the Acanthus Portal ( (updated as needed).

  1. After logging in, click on "Student Information Service
  2. Click on "Register Information"
  3. Select "Gakkensai" in the tabs that appear.


* It may take 1-3 months to display for students who have most recently completed the enrollment process.


(1) Distributed at the orientation for new students at the time of admission. It can also be obtained from the student affairs section of your affiliated college school/ graduate school and at the Health Service Centre.

(2) You can also download the form from the website of the Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) below.

→ Check the current year's edition of the" Type A [Death benefits coverage of up to 20 million yen]Handbooks ".


→ Check the current year's edition of the "Futaibaiseki Handbooks ".

→ Graduate School of Law Division of Legal Affairs (Law School) students, check the current year's edition of the"Houkabai Handbooks ".

5.Certificate of Enrollment publication

Students who need the insurance Certificate of Enrollment should apply well in advance, as they may be required to submit it by their internship or study abroad sites. 


<Certificate of Enrollment Application Form>

?(Japanese notation) 学研災及び付帯賠責 加入証明発行申込書.pdf

??Gakkensai and Futaibaiseki Certificate of Enrollment Application Form.pdf

Apply at the counter

Location: Health Service Center (1st floor of the Main Building, Kakuma Campus)

Office Hours : Weekdays 9:00-16:30

Things to bring: Student ID card, transfer payment invoice and receipt or statement (only for students who have recently completed the subscription procedure)


  1. Download the "Gakkensai and Futaibaiseki Certificate of Enrollment Application Form" and fill in the required information. Health Service Center The application form is also available at the counter, but preparing it in advance will make the process smoother.
  2. Please submit your application form to Health Service Center upon presentation of your student ID card. We will make a copy of your student ID card.
  3. The earliest possible date for issuance is noon or later on the day following the day the application form is received (or noon or later on the day after a holiday if the following day is a Saturday, Sunday or holiday).

Application by mail

  1. Please download and fill out the "Certificate of Enrollment Application Form".
  2. Please send a copy of the application form and student ID to Health Service Center. For students who have most recently completed the subscription process, please also enclose a copy of your transfer payment invoice/receipt or statement.
  3. The earliest possible date for issuance is noon or later on the day following the day the application form is received (or noon or later on the day after a holiday if the following day is a Saturday, Sunday or holiday).


* In principle, Certificate of Enrollment can be picked up at the counter, but students who wish to mail it should enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

6.Changes to terms of contract

If any of the following occur, please be sure to notify us and follow the procedures as soon as possible.

absence from school

Students taking a leave of absence, After notifying the Student Affairs Section of the college school/ Graduate School to which he/she belongs, he/she should report to the office at Health Service Center.

During the insurance period. More than 1 year (365 days) in total (* 1) If a student takes a leave of absence during the period of absence, the premiums for the period of absence will be refunded upon request after the period of absence has ended and the student has returned to school. 1 (Fractions of a year are rounded down to the nearest year). However, if an insurance claim is filed due to an accident during the period of leave of absence, it is non-refundable.

(*1)  A total of one year (365 days) or more means a continuous or intermittent (e.g., 6 months + 6 months) period of absence from school of one year (365 days) or more. However, leaves of absence that span multiple insurance periods cannot be combined.

The insurance period at the time of application for enrollment will not be extended, so in order to receive subsequent insurance coverage, a new application for enrollment must be made immediately prior to the end of the insurance period at the time of application for enrollment.

Withdrawal from school (termination) * Includes decommissioning, death, and early completion

Students who withdraw from the university (including decommissioning, death, and early completion) must, After notifying the Student Affairs Section of your department the college school/ Graduate School, please report to the office at Health Service Center.

A partial refund of premiums will be made according to the unexpired school year. If a student withdraws from the school in the middle of an academic year, the difference in premiums for that academic year will not be refunded.

The procedure is available at Health Service Center. At the Health Service Center counter, please bring (1) Student ID card and, (2) something that shows the account details of the account to which the refund will be made (cash card or a copy of the bank book)(*1).?


(*1) If you wish to use a Japan Post Bank account for your refund, please bring your bankbook.

Additional coverage and Change the course of Futaibaiseki

For students who need to add a rider (Additional coverage for the prevention of contact  infection) or change Futaibaiseki courses due to a change in affiliation, such as transfer school or school transition, Please be sure to notify the Student Affairs Section of the college school/ Graduate School to which you belong. Please follow the instructions and proceed with the necessary procedures.


(1) When changing the course of Futaibaiseki, it is necessary to cancel the remaining policy period and enroll in a new one. The cancellation procedure is the same as the withdrawal described in the previous section.

(2) For students moving to School of Medicine, School of Pharmacy, School of Health Sciences, or from School of Medicine, School of Pharmacy, School of Health Sciences to other school, see below.

?(Japanese notation) 学類_移行時手続き (*1)

(3) Students moving from School of General Education (science) to School of Medicine, School of Pharmacy, or School of Health Sciences see below.

?(Japanese notation) 総合教育部(理)_移行時手続き (*2)


(*1) This is for students who entered School of General Education (science) in 2024 or later. The procedure is different for students who entered School of General Education (science) before the 2023 academic year. Please contact Health Service Center for details.

(*1,2 ) Before proceeding, be sure to notify the Student Affairs Section of the college school ?Graduate School you belong to (students belonging to School of General Education must notify the Student Affairs Section of the Core Education Section).

7. Insurance claim procedures

In the event of an accident that you consider to be covered by the Gakkensai or Futaibaiseki, proceed as follows.

Gakkensai (In the event of injury to himself/herself)

<Injuries sustained during regular school hours and while commuting to and from school>

Please report the incident to the Student Affairs Section of your college school/graduate school. Then follow the instructions and proceed accordingly.


<Injuries during extracurricular activities>

  1. Report the incident to the Health Service Centre.
  2. Gakkensai Accident Notification System← Please report the accident to Tokio Marine & Nichido at.
  3. Once you have reported the accident, print the screen and submit it to Health Service Center. After confirmation, you will be given a claim form.
  4. Please submit the completed insurance claim form and receipts from hospital visits to the section below.

    Accidents on campus:  Health Service Center

    ?Off-campus accidentsEducational and Student Affairs Department Student Support Division (2nd floor of the main building)

  5. Once the university has completed the accident certification procedure, a set of documents will be returned to you. After that, students themselves should send the documents to Tokio Marine & Nichido's School Insurance Corner.
  6. After the claim procedure is completed, Tokio Marine & Nichido will pay the insurance claim.



  • Report within 30 days, including the date of the accident.
  • For injuries during extracurricular activities, the activity must be approved by Kanazawa University. You must also obtain proof of accident from the Advisor faculty member of the extracurricular activity.
  •  Please see below for a list of extracurricular activitity groups approved by the University.

   [Handbook for Students Kanazawa University] Dedicated campus lineCheck the current year's edition 

   →VI Campus Life - 10 Extracurricular Activities - 2. List of extracurricular activitity groups


Futaibaiseki (In the event of an accident involving bodily injury or property damage)

  1. Immediately notify Tokio Marine & Nichido School Insurance Desk (TEL:? ?0120-868-066) of the accident. Give the following information to the best of your knowledge.

    ?Your Name, age, and university enrolled at  ?Time and date of accident  ?Place of accident

    ?Injured party's name and age  ?Cause of accident  ?Extent of damages (injury or damage)

  2. Report the accident to your college school ?student affairs section of the Graduate School or Health Service Center. You will be given an insurance claim form (the insurance company may mail it to you).
  3. Please submit the completed insurance claim form and evidence designated by Tokio Marine & Nichido to the Student Affairs Section of your college school/ graduate School or Health Service Center.
  4. Once the university has completed the accident certification procedure, a set of documents will be returned to you. After that, students themselves should send the documents to Tokio Marine & Nichido's School Insurance Corner.
  5. After the claim procedure is completed, Tokio Marine & Nichido will pay the insurance claim.


<Inquiries about Gakkensai and Futaibaiseki>

Health Service Center




Other Student Insurance

The following insurance policies are not handled by Health Service Center. Please check each item for details and contact information.

Insurance that is compulsory for international students at Kanazawa University

Comprehensive Insurance for Students Lives Coupled with Gakkensai for International Students(Inbound futaigakuso)

Insurance that is compulsory for students going abroad to study.

Study Abroad Insurance Coupled with Gakkensai (Futaikaigaku)

voluntary insurance

Comprehensive Insurance for Students Lives Coupled with Gakkensai (Futaigakuso)


Student Comprehensive Mutual Aid

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