5月25日,スーパーグローバルELPセンターにおいて「English Cafe for Teachers」を開催しました。これは,過去に英語研修プログラム(ELP:English Language Programs)を受講した教員を対象に,英語力の維持を目的として開催したもので,イベントには過去の受講者のほか,ボランティアの留学生などを含め15名の森林舞会_pt老虎机游戏-【亚洲最大娱乐平台】@らが参加しました。
On May 25, “English Cafe for Teachers” was held at Kanazawa University Super Global ELP Center. It aims to maintain English ability of teaching staff who took part in ELP (English Language Programs). Total number of participants was 15 people including an international student volunteer.
Facilitated by assistant professor Rosenberg James Phillip, participants introduced themselves, talked on topics about their research and education, and played some games in English. Talking in English with cups of tea or coffee, in a relaxed environment, they tried to maintain their English ability.