Adapted for Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)-CREST

Research SDGs
  • 4. Quality education for all

The research project led by Associate Professor Satoru Okuda at Nano Life Science Institute (WPI-NanoLSI) Kanazawa University, adapted for Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)-CREST  ?which is Strategic Creative Research Promotion Project for FY 2024 ? in the research area of "Cell Control".

CREST is a program in which top researchers promote advanced research while fostering young researchers, with the aim of contributing to the creation of scientific and technological innovations. In particular, the "Cell Control" area aims to bring about technological innovation in a wide range of life science fields by integrating manipulation and understanding of the mechanisms of cell regulation under the strategic goal of "Development of innovative cell manipulation technologies and elucidation of cellular regulatory mechanisms". 2024 Total in fiscal year 89 Six of the six applications were adapted.

Associate Professor Okuda and Keisuke Isobe, a senior scientist at the RIKEN Center for Advanced Photon Research, are collaborating on a research project entitled "Development of Organ Crafting Techniques and Understanding Morphogenesis and Evolutionary Mechanisms (Research period: from October,? ?2024 to March,? ?2030). The aims of this researc to elucidate the robustness of developmental processes in multicellular organisms and the impact of the variation observed in these processes on species evolution. In particular, we will explore the mechanisms that combine robustness and drift in developmental processes by manipulating epithelial morphogenesis at will using our unique organ engineering techniques.






??About "Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) Strategic Creative Research Promotion Program"

??About New Research Proposals and Evaluators for the Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST) Program for FY2024 【Japanese only】



Researcher 's Information: Satoru Okuda

Okuda’s Laboratory Website



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