Launch of joint research with DigitalBlast, Inc., AIST, Kanazawa University,  Tokyo Denki University and Laboko, Inc. for automated cell culture experiments in space
Aiming to expand the possibility of life science experiments in space and to build a "Space Biology Research Platform"

Research SDGs
  • 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure

The research team comprising member from Professor Hiroyuki Kimura at Research Center for Experimental Modeling of Human Disease, Kanazawa University, Professor Katsuo Mogi at Department of Electronic Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Denki University, Naoki Takada of Research Group Leader at Thermal Fluid Systems Group, Energy Conservation Research Division, Energy and Environment Field, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Takahito Okonogi at Laboko, Inc.(Saitama, Tokyo) signed a research agreement and began joint research for establish a "Space Biology Research Platform" using remote automated cell culture technology and to install the equipment on the Japanese Experiment Module "Kibo" of the International Space Station. with DigitalBlast, Inc. (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo).

The purpose of this joint research is to establish an experimental platform in space. However, it is expected that devices that can automate and remotely operate experiments in space can also be applied to life science experiments on the ground and to labor-saving drug discovery, thereby contributing to the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and medical industries.


写真:?沢?学の?村寛之教授(中央)、東京電機?学の茂?克雄教授(中央左)、産業技術総合研究所の髙?尚樹研究グループ?(中央右)、Laboko の?此?孝仁?(左)、DigitalBlast の松本翔平氏(右)と、DigitalBlast が開発を進めるライフサイエンス実験装置「AMAZα(アマツ?アルファ)」のモックアップ



Click here to see the press release【Japanese only】

Researcher's Information: Hiroyuki Kimura



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