On February 20, students from Kanazawa University 's extracurricular activity group, Kanazawa University Volunteer Support Station, and their Advisor, Lecturer Kaisei Harada from Kanazawa University Institute of Human and Social Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Management, held a discussion session with Waseda University students at the Waseda University Hirayama Ikuo Volunteer Center (WAVOC) office to exchange opinions on the future recovery of Noto.
Tree students from Kanazawa University who was actively involved in disaster volunteering, listening activities, and disaster prevention education since the Noto Peninsula earthquake 2024, together with 11 students from Waseda University, including students with volunteer experience in Noto and students engaged in support activities in Kesennuma, Iwate Prefecture, a total of 14 students participated in the event.
First, both Kanazawa University and WAVOC volunteers reported on their activities related to the Noto Peninsula earthquake, and then participants split into three groups to exchange opinions on the themes of "What is needed in Noto now" and "What university students can do in the future." As a measure to prevent the disaster from being forgotten, various proposals were made, including "opening a Noto antenna shop in Tokyo" or "planning to showcase traditional culture" and students themselves exploring "needs in the Noto region," as well as proposals to involve more students in "implementing an internship aimed at revitalizing the region," "creating a place for young people and forming a community," and "establishing a cat cafe for the purpose of mental therapy."
Kanazawa University together with Waseda University, will continue to support the recovery and reconstruction of the disaster affected areas and the people affected by the disaster.
Kanazawa University students reporting on activities
Students exchanging opinions about Noto's recovery
Joint presentation by Kanazawa University and Waseda University students
Group photo