Certificate award ceremony for the ENGINE Program 2024

News SDGs
  • 4. Quality education for all

On February 5, the ENGINE Program Certificate Award Ceremony was held at Kakuma Campus of Kanazawa University. The ENGINE Program is an educational program to foster human resources with problem-solving skills and a global mindset through practical, hands-on learning about regional issues in collaboration with companies working on regional development.

This project was selected by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in 2020, and the educational program began in 2021. This year, 8 students from Kanazawa University have graduated (23 students in total across the three universities).

In keeping with the program's aim to promote connections across prefecture boundaries, the three venues at Kanazawa University, Shinshu University, and Toyama University were connected online, and the certificate awarding ceremony was held simultaneously at all three universities.

At the ceremony, Kanazawa University President Wada presented the certificates to the six graduates who attended, and offered words of congratulations and encouragement, hoping for their future success. Next, on behalf of the graduates, fourth-year student Matsuda Yoshiki from Kanazawa University School of Regional Development Studies, College of Human and Social Sciences, spoke of his gratitude. Afterwards, President Wada and the six graduates had a friendly discussion about their activities in the program and their future goals.

  • Group photo
  • Acknowledgments by the representative of the graduating class
  • Presentation of certificates
  • Round table Discussions
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