On January 11th, students from Kanazawa University 's extracurricular activity group, Volunteer Support Station (Borasapo), were engaged in volunteer activities in Nanao City. On that day, they carried out items damaged in the disaster and loaded luggage from damaged houses. In addition, their advisor, Lecturer Kaisei Harada from Faculty of Economics and Management, Institute of Human and Social Sciences, participated in distributing living support supplies at Juzo Shrine in Wajima City.
On January 13, volunteer students cleaned up street gutters in Takuda-machi, Wajima City, under the coordination of the Wajima City Social Welfare Council. In addition, Mr. Harada organized and cleaned up a warehouse that had been damaged in the disaster at Juzo Shrine. On January 25, together with employees of Kanazawa Energy Co., Ltd., they cleaned gutters in Wajima City and removed mud from city parks.
Kanazawa University will continue its volunteer activities for the Noto Peninsula earthquake 2024 and Okunoto torrential rains 2024.
Kanazawa University students and others loading damaged goods in Nanao City
Removing mud from gutters in Takuda-machi, Wajima City
Kanazawa University students and employees of Kanazawa Energy Corporation collaborate in Oise-machi, Wajima City
Kanazawa University students transporting accumulated mud