Diversity Award Ceremony and Lecture

News SDGs
  • 5. achieve gender equality
  • 17. Partnership for the goals

On January 29th, the Diversity Award Ceremony 2024 took place. About 50 people including faculty, staff, students, and affiliated institutions representatives attended the event.

The Diversity Award was established with the purpose to recognize the contribution of faculty and staff members and outstanding female researchers who have created a diverse research environment. Mr. Shinichi Nakamura, the 10th President of Kanazawa University and the donor of the Nakamura Award gave a congratulatory speach and presented winners the certificates.

On behalf of the winners, the winner of the Nakamura Prize Professor Noriko Goto from Cancer Research Institute, gave a lecture titled "Elucidation of the mechanisms of cancer stem cells and their microenvironment in breast cancer initiation, malignant transformation, and recurrence".

The participants reaffirmed the importance of promoting diversity and renewed their commitment to creating a more diverse research environment.

  • Group photo
  • Lecture by Professor Goto - winner of the Nakamura Award
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