Students support program "Heartwarming Christmas Concert"

News SDGs
  • 3. Good health and well-being

On December 12, Kanazawa University Health Service Center held a "Heartwarming Christmas Concert" of the students support program in the University Main Hall. Approximately 47 students, faculty, and staff members attended the event.

This concert was planned with the hope that people would spend their lunch break listening to live music and relaxing. In addition, as a support team for mental care in times of disaster, KEYPAT (※), we selected songs that would touch people's hearts in a time of heightened stress. Professor Hiroaki Yoshikawa from Health Service Center (flute) and Ms.Yukari Yamada (piano) performed and Ave Maria (F. Schubert), Winter in Buenos Aires (A. Piazzolla), and Airborne (G. Shocker).
Participants shared their impressions: "The piano and flute were so beautiful that I was captivated by them", "Everything was wonderful, but Piazzolla's Winter in Buenos Aires really touched me", "The compositions were beautiful and the performers were very skilled" and "I could feel the warmth and elegance in the music".

(KEYPAT" is an abbreviation of the Kanazawa Educational Yell Psychological Assistance Team.
KEYPAT" is an official university-wide team at Kanazawa University that provides support to those who have suffered from mental disorders due to disasters. The team consists mainly of certified psychologists.

  • Concert venue
  • From right to left: Professor Yoshikawa and Ms. Yamada
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