On December 13th, School of Medicine of the College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences held a presentations on the results of reasearch, conducted by the 3rd year students of the School of Medicine during their time assigned to basic research laboratories. Approximately 130 students and faculty members participated in the event.
Students of KU School of Medicine assigns to basic research laboratories in the fall of their third year, where they spend about two months such as laboratosries of the Faculrty of Medcine, Cancer Research Institute, Research Center for Experimental Modeling of Human Disease, Research Center for Child Mental Development and Institute for Frontier Science Initiative with the aim of deepening their understanding of medical research and giving them experience necessary for medical science research.
The presentations were held in two lecture rooms at School of Medicine, where 30 groups presented their research results. The presentations were facilitated by students and were followed by a lively Q&A session.
Presenting research
Students listening the presentations