On December 7th, a public lecture entitled “Let’s learn through experience! Petrology Series (3) Kanazawa University edition” took place at Kakuma Campus. 20 people, ranging from high school students to those in their 70s, participated in the lecture.
First, Professor Tomoaki Morishita from Institute of Science and Engineering, Faculty of Geosciences and Civil Engineering explained that the Earth's structure is classified into "crust" "mantle" and "core". The rocks are available to us who live on the crust include pieces of the mantle as well as the crust, and we can read information about the Earth's interior by observing rocks and conducting instrumental analysis. Next, he conducted an experiment titled "What is seeing a rock through light?" and explained about polarized light and atomic arrangement of crystals. then students were divided into two groups and observed specimens of Hakusan igneous rocks and mantle under a microscope. The process of making thin sections of rocks for observation was explained, and the students also had a chance to touch specimens of rocks and fossils. Finally, the research for mantle drilling by the deep Earth research vessel "Chikyu" was introduced.
Students commented: "It was a great experience for me to see actual mineral samples" and "Now I understand what kind of work and research is involved in petrology".
Lecturer: Professor Tomoaki Morishita from Institute of Science and Engineering, Faculty of Geosciences and Civil Engineering ?? ?
? For details and applications for Kanazawa University 's public lectures, click here
Professor Morishita giving a lecture
Participants looking at the stones through the light
Polarized light microscope is used to observe rock flakes