On November 29th, the Human Resource Development Unit of Frontier Science and Social Co-creation Initiative, in collaboration with the Co-Creation Enterprise and Human Resource Deployment Program (※) as part of Project: AERU, held a "Bus Tour of 100-Year-Old Companies in the Hokuriku Region!" with 15 participants, including program participants and students.
Participants visited Hokuriku Confectionery Co., Ltd., famous for its "Beaver" candy, and Naogen Soy Sauce Co., Ltd., founded in 1825, to discover the secrets of these companies that have been in business for over 100 years. After the tour, there was time for interaction with presidents and employees, during which the students actively asked questions to deepen their understanding.
Participants commented: "Since both companies have been in business for more than 100 years and both have different fields and routes, I was able to compare and learn a lot about their ways of thinking and market expansion" and "I was impressed that both companies are seeking marketing methods to become the best in Hokuriku".
* Co-creation enterprise and human resource development program
This project, jointly undertaken by Kanazawa University, the National Cooperative Enterprise Promotion Center (ICOC), Hokuriku Financial Holdings Co., Ltd., and Ishikawa Prefecture, aims to revitalize Ishikawa Prefecture's companies, improve its human resources, and contribute to the sustainable development of industry by matching core human resources from the Tokyo metropolitan area and other areas with companies.
Company presentation by Hokuriku Confectionery representative
Observation of the manufacturing process at the Hokuriku confectionery direct sales store "Kanazawa Saisyou"
Learning about the history of Naogen Soy Sauce
Group photo at the entrance of the former Naogen Soy Sauce