Supporting students through nutrition education: tasting simple breakfast soup with plenty of vegetables

News SDGs
  • 3. Good health and well-being

On November 13th and 18th, Health Service Center held a nutrition education program "Tasting simple breakfast soup with plenty of vegetables" in the Natural Sciences Building and the General Education Lecture Building as part of its student support efforts.

The purpose of this event is to introduce students simple recipes for soups and other dishes to prevent them from missing breakfast. A student volunteer crew from the center handed out the soups with the recipes to the students under the guidance of a dietitian.

The menu this time was "Student Crew's Recipes: Autumn Miso Soup without Dashi" and "Warming Onion Gratin Style Soup" based on the original recipes that student crew members cook on a daily basis! The "Autumn Miso Soup without Dashi" and "Warming Onion Gratin-Style Soup" attracted many students and sold out at both locations.

Students commented: "It was very tasty with a gentle flavor", "The miso soup had a gentle flavor of dried bonito flakes and ginger, which soaked into my body", "The onion gratin soup was satisfying with its rich cheese and crunchy onions", and "It was delicious. I want to make it myself because it looks so easy to make".

  • Student Crew Recipe! Autumn Miso Soup without Dashi
  • A warming onion gratin soup
  • Venue of Natural Science and Technology main building
  • Student crew hands out soup and recipe together
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