Kanazawa University Engineering and Technology Department held Engineering and Technology Department EXPO on November 29 at the Juzen Auditorium on Takara-machi /Tsuruma campus, on December 2 at the Natural Sciences Main Building on the Kakuma campus.
Kanazawa University faculty, staff, and students, as well as many participants from outside the university attanded the event. Keynote lectures on activities and analytical work related to the Noto Peninsula earthquake 2024, and mini-seminars, panel displays on software and morphological observation and analysis developed by Technical Staff were conducted. Technical discussions were also held at each of these events, providing a good opportunity to learn more about Technical Staff 's pursuit of expertise and technology and Technical Staff 's support to education and research.
A view of the panel display in Juzen Auditorium
Students studing the exhibits
Exhibition at the Academic Promenade of the Natural Science and Technology Main Building
Keynote Speech