On October 22, Lecturer Kaisei Harada from Faculty of Economics and Management, Institute of Human and Social Sciences, started a regular listening salon "Hoshizora Cafe" at the Sumiyoshi Community Center in the Nakai area of Anamizu Town, with the aim of creating a community space for the affected people. Seven people, including those living in temporary housing near Sumiyoshi Community Center, participated in the event and made gourd dolls to be displayed at the Sumiyoshi Community Center's cultural festival while engaging in small talk.
On October 29th, they exchanged information about life support vehicles such as mobile support vehicles and mobile sales vehicles, and discussed the future of the town, including revitalizing festivals and traditional culture, and on November 5th, they enjoyed talking about religious sects and singing songs, as Nakai district is densely populated with temples. On November 12th, they played cards and talked about what Anamizu town was like during the war and how people spent their time there.
Hoshizora Cafe
Date:14:00-16:00 on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month
Place: Anamizu Town Sumiyoshi Community Center
Activities:Salon management with an emphasis on chatting
?For more details, click here.
If you are interested in helping to organize this event, please contact Kanazawa University Volunteer Support Station, an extracurricular activity group at Kanazawa University, via direct message on Instagram.
※ The Instagram account of Kanazawa University Volunteer Support Station, an extracurricular activity group, can be found here
Making gourd dolls at the Hoshizora Cafe