Conducting local learning for the general education subject "Future Design Practice"

News Noto Recovery SDGs
  • 4. Quality education for all
  • 7. Affordable and clean energy
  • 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • 11. Sustanable cities and communities
  • 14. Life below water
  • 17. Partnership for the goals

On November 16, 29 students and faculty members participated in the "Future Design Practice," a common education course, in Noto Town and Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture.

This course started in 2022 under the theme "You can change yourself and your future!". Students are encouraged to "design their own future," communicate with peers of various backgrounds and expertise, and move forward toward its realization. As a "practice," we mainly plan and propose projects and events in which students can participate.

On the day, the students visited Kanazawa University Noto Center for Fisheries Science and Technology in Noto Town, and, under the guidance of Professor Hajime Matsubara of the Faculty of Biological Science and Technology of Institute of Science and Engineering Engineering, saw tiger pufferfish that are raised using "organic farming" without the use of any chemicals. Afterwards, all students, faculty and staff cleaned up the coast where garbage and other debris had washed up due to the tsunami caused by the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake.

In the afternoon, we moved to the University Consortium Ishikawa Noto Branch Office in the "Noto satoyama Airport" terminal building, where President Takashi Wada gave a lecture on "Learning and thinking about the wisdom of our ancestors from books and history" and students presented their projects under the theme "Let's design the future of Kanazawa University by ourselves. 

On the bus ride back, there were questions about President Wada's lecture, and students and faculty members alike enthusiastically asked questions and made comments, making for a very fulfilling lecture.

We will continue to work toward the realization of these projects while further brushing up the projects planned by the students.

  • Participants listening to Professor Matsubara's explanation at Noto Center for Fisheries Science and Technology
  • Coastal cleanup
  • President Wada giving a lecture
  • Group photo
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