Cooperative Seminar of 4 Universities of Hokuriku Region
"What adults (we) can do now for the children who will create the future"

News SDGs
  • 3. Good health and well-being
  • 11. Sustanable cities and communities

On October 20, Frontier Science and Social Co-creation Initiative hosted the Cooperative Seminar of 4 Universities of Hokuriku Region entitled "What adults (we) can do now for the children who will create the future". about 20 persons participated in the Seminar.

First, Associate Professor Arisa Nishidate from the Faculty of Education, University of Toyama, gave a lecture titled "Protecting Children from Disasters - Psychological Care and Disaster Prevention Education for Children", referring to the impact of the earthquake on children and the role of disaster prevention education. Next, Aiyumi Ohno - Director of non-profit organization VIVITA JAPAN, gave a presentation titled "Possibilities of Society Created with Children" in which she introduced examples of supporting what children want to do voluntarily. This was followed by a talk session by Associate Professor Nishidate and Director Ohno, facilitated by Professor Takayuki Shinoda. During talk session, speakers answered questions from participants about children's growth.

Participants commented: "It made me think about disaster prevention education for children" and "I felt the importance of supporting the adults around them and creating an environment where children can express their 'independent opinions.'"

※Cooperative Seminar of 4 Universities of Hokuriku Region :
This seminar takes place annually since 2003 by the Japan Association of National Universities in the Hokuriku Region (Kanazawa University, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, University of Toyama, and University of Fukui) in order to meet the diverse lifelong learning needs of the region. This year Kanazawa University hosted the Kanazawa venue and Professor Shinoda coordinated the event.

  • Panel Discussion
  • Associate Professor Nishidate giving a lecture
  • Director Ohno giving a lecture
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