Volunteer activities following the heavy rains on the Noto Peninsula in September 2024

News Noto Recovery SDGs
  • 3. Good health and well-being
  • 11. Sustanable cities and communities
  • 17. Partnership for the goals

From September 26 to October 10, students from Kanazawa University Volunteer Support Station extracurricular activity group leaded by lucturer Kaisei Harada from Institute of Human and Social Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Management, carried out various volunteer activities in Kawai-machi and Fugeshi-machi of Wajima City.

On September 26, together with students, they removed mud from the floors of restaurants and private homes and carried out damaged household goods.

On September 28, 29, and October 5, volunteers worked together with members of SoRA, a project for disaster prevention and mitigation of the Kanazawa Institute of Technology, to remove and transport mud and disaster waste from ditches in residential areas, and to distribute relief supplies for livelihood support and flood damage at Juzo Shrine in Wajima City.

On September 30th, together with students from the Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University Disaster Volunteer Circle Futaba and other volunteers, the mud that had accumulated in the parking lot of a commercial facility was cleared and cars that were stuck in the mud were rescued.

On October 1, 6, 8, and 10, volunteers worked with residents of Wajima City and general volunteers to transport and warehouse flood relief supplies at Juzo Shrine in Wajima City. In addition, together with teachers and students of the Wajima High School baseball team, volunteers carried out supplies such as clothes and towels to Wajima High School.

Kanazawa University will continue to carry out recovery support activities related to the Noto Peninsula heavy rain disaster that occurred in September 2024.

  • Kanazawa University students,members of SoRA and students from Kanazawa Institute of Technology removing mud from private home
  • Kanazawa University students,members of SoRA and students from Kanazawa Institute of Technology cleaning mud
  • Preparation for distribution of relief supplies
  • Students of the Wajima High School baseball team loading supplies
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