Kanazawa University Stakeholders Meeting 2024 took place at Natural Science and Technology Library on November 1. About 100 people from local government, companies, regional organizations, and high schools attended the meeting.
The purpose of this meeting was to report on the recent status of education, research, and management of Kanazawa University to the stakeholders who have been giving us a great deal of support and cooperation, and to receive opinions and suggestions from various perspectives to be used in the management of the university. While Kanazawa University holds various round-table meetings for individual stakeholders such as high school representatives, this meeting is open to all stakeholders, and this is the 10th meeting since its start in 2015.
After an opening address and report by President Takashi Wada, participants were divided into six subcommittees, including online participants, for a lively exchange of opinions.
Kanazawa University will continue to utilize the valuable opinions that have been received during the meeting and to collaborate with our stakeholders in the future.
President Wada reports on recent activities of Kanazawa University
Lively exchange of opinions
Reports from each subcommittee groups
President of Alumni Association Tateki Ataka expressing his opinion