The 13th International Student Homecoming Day

News SDGs
  • 4. Quality education for all
  • 8. Decent work and economic growth
  • 11. Sustanable cities and communities
  • 17. Partnership for the goals

On November 2, the 13th Kanazawa University International Student Homecoming Day was held at YABU & CAF? Tan in the Natural Science and Technology Library Hall. Approximately 60 people attended including international alumni, current international students, and faculty and staff members.

The event began with an opening address by President WADA, followed by introductions from the international alumni in attendance. Next, two distinguished alumni, Mr. Akira HITSU (currently at Komatsu Industries Corp.) and Ms. MAHDIAH ZULFA (currently at Hokuriku Electrical Construction Co., Ltd.), gave presentations about their experiences as students at Kanazawa University, job-hunting processes, an overview of their current employers, and their present job responsibilities.

During the subsequent lunch networking session, a video message from the presidents of the Overseas Alumni Association was shown, and there was active interaction between alumni and current international students. This valuable time allowed both alumni and students to reaffirm their strong connection with Kanazawa University and renew their pride in being part of the university community.

  • Group photo with international alumni and students
  • Opening address by President WADA
  • Alumni presentation by Mr. Akira HITSU
  • Alumni presentation by Ms. MAHDIAH ZULFA
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