Nano-Precision Medicine, Science and Engineering WISE Program Special Lecture

News SDGs
  • 4. Quality education for all
  • 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure

The Nano-Precision Medicine, Science and Engineering WISE Program Special Lecture was held on October 7. About 130 graduate and undergraduate students, faculty and staff attended the lecture.

The external lecturers who are at the forefront of creating innovation and solving social issues were invited for this special lecture with the aim of learning about their philosophies, beliefs and driving forces. The lecturer for this time was Mr. Hiroharu Mizukoshi, Representative Director and Chairman of Actry Corporation - a partner organization of this program and a leading company with the top share in Japan in the field of industrial waste treatment plants.

Mr. Mizukoshi gave a lecture titled "Building a Company from Zero: Actree's History" in which he discussed the importance of business creation, corporate strategy, and management in solving social issues, based on his extensive experience in overcoming numerous challenges and issues to achieve sustainable corporate growth.

The participating students were strongly impressed by Mr. Mizukoshi's words: "First move your hands rather than stop to think" and commented that they "would like to act with passion and grasp their dreams like Mr. Mizukoshi did. He solved problems from nothing with his extraordinary ideas and made his dreams come true".

  • Mr. Mizukoshi, Chairman and Representative Director of Actree Corporation
  • Students asking questions to Mr. Mizukoshi
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