The event was planned for people who are feeling anxious and stressed due to the flood damage caused by torrential rain in Ishikawa Prefecture on September 21. Thirteen students, faculty, and staff of Kanazawa University participated in the program.
Participants commented: "I learned about the nature of the autonomic nervous system and felt much better when I actually tried breathing, "I am glad to have learned breathing techniques that I can practice myself from now on how to relieve tension", "I had a relaxing time and learned a lot".
* "KEYPAT" is an abbreviation of K anazawa E ducational Y ell P sychological A ssistance T eam
KEYPAT" is the official university-wide team that provides support to those who have suffered from mental health problems due to disasters.
The team consists mainly of certified psychologists.
Instructor - Professor Hiroaki Yoshikawa
Experiencing the breathing meditation method