The 5th D.T. Suzuki - Kitaro Nishida Memorial Kanazawa University International Award Winner was selected


Kanazawa University selected the following winner for the D. T. Suzuki - Kitaro Nishida Memorial Kanazawa University International Award


【5th Kanazawa University International Award Winner】

University of North Florida Emeritus Professor John C. MARALDO


This International Prize was established by Kanazawa University in June 2017, and is named after D. T. Suzuki and Kitaro Nishida, who have a connection to Kanazawa University, and is funded by the sincere aspirations of Dr. Mitsuru Usui (graduated from Kanazawa University School of Medicine in 1964), and honors researchers who have made outstanding achievements internationally in fields centered on philosophy, thought, and religion. The purpose of this award is to promote further progress in research in this field and to provide a great academic stimulus to young researchers who will lead the next generation.

The award ceremony and commemorative lecture are scheduled to be held on Tuesday, November 19, 2024, in Kanazawa City.

Kanazawa University International Award


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