Kanazawa University students from the School of Medicine won the Kendo team championship at the 76th West Japan Medical Science Student Sport Festival!

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  • 4. Quality education for all

The 76th West Japan Medical Science Student Sport Festival was held at Kawasaki Gakuen gymnasium and Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare gymnasium in Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture from August 17 to 18. Kendo Club from Kanazawa Universit`s School of Medicine won the men's team competition for the first time since its establishment.

Men's team
Issei Chaya (School of Medicine 6th grade), Kouki Narita (School of Medicine 6th grade), Reo Iwanaga (School of Medicine 5th grade), Shinichiro Tanaka (School of Medicine 2nd grade), Tomohiro Hirobe (School of Medicine 2nd grade), Daichi Miyawaki (School of Medicine 1st grade), Kouhei Nishino (School of Medicine 1st grade)

More than 40 members of the club shared the joy of winning at the West Japan Medical Science Student Sport Festival for the first time after the second place in the men's team competition at the same festival last year and after the winning of the men's team competition in the Chubu Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Kendo sport festival this year. This is the first time university from Hokuriku Region won this tournament.

* The "School of Medicine" was used in the name of the extracurricular activity group before the reorganization.

  • Medical School Kendo Club students during competition
  • Group photo
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