From August 16 to 25, Thailand National Science & Technology Fair 2024 was held at the Impact Exhibition and Convention Center near Bangkok, Thailand. Professor Yutaka Takeuchi from Institute of Science and Engineering, Faculty of Biological Science and Technology demonstrated and exhibited the "Nature Positive Exciting Business Contest" based on the research results of COI-NEXT.
Organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Thailand, the National Science Technology Fair is a major event that attracts about 200,000 people, mainly elementary, junior high, and high school students from all over Thailand. Kanazawa University every year take a part at the booth of Research Center of Japan Society of the promotion of Science ( JSPS) in Bangkok.
At the booth, Mr. Shunpei Okamura, a second-year student from the College of Science and Engineering School of Biological Science and Technology, participated as a demonstration assistant. Kanazawa University with the cooperation of Prince of Songkla University and Chulalongkorn University, which are partner universities for international exchange, with visitors examined the body structure of fish and crabs, listened to the voices of fish with underwater microphones, and made name tags out of fish leather and bioplastics. We worked together to come up with a business idea that values natural capital and a recycling-oriented society. A large number of children visited the booth from beginning to end, and their eyes lit up with interest, and they were seen actively participating in the demonstrations, such as transcribing business ideas using Thai characters.
This workshop has been held at high schools in Ishikawa Prefecture, and will be held at the Kanazawa University Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology in October this year, and will be held under the Program for Biologists and Bioengineers to Co-creatively Lead a Nature-Positive Society, where government-sponsored international students and Japan students will study together in October this year. Bioengineers who Leads Nature-Positive Society with a Special Emphasis on Co-Creation. It is hoped that these efforts will foster a sense of nature positivity in the generations that will lead the future.
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Making nameplates with fish leather and bioplastic
Thai students considering nature-positive ideas.
Exhibit booths were a great success
Professor Takeuchi explains to Thai students (right)