On July 21, a special lecture for elementary school students, "Summer Holiday Free Research Consultation & Flag Football Experience!" Eighteen students from third to sixth grade participated in the event. This event was organized by the American Football Club and the Cheerleading Club, which are both Kanazawa University certified extracurricular activity groups, in cooperation with Frontier Science and Social Co-creation Initiative.
First, Professor Tomoaki Morishita from Institute of Science and Engineering (Advisor of both extracurricular activity groups) gave an explanation of the students' activities, followed by presentations by the students on their free research experiences. Next, the children consulted with the students about how to proceed with their free research and themes, and received detailed individual explanations and guidance. Next, children experienced flag football* on the indoor playground. After receiving a lecture on basic movements from a member of the American football team, children played a game, and when they scored a goal, the whole team cheered and rejoiced each other.
The participating elementary school students commented: "It was fun talking with university students" and "I learned that university students also worked hard on their free research when they were in elementary school".
Flag football: A sport that removes the elements of bumping and tackling from American football, in which instead of tackling, players take flags attached to their waists.
Lector: Professor Tomoaki Morishita from Institute of Science and Engineering, Faculty of Geosciences and Civil Engineering?
Click here for details and registration for Kanazawa University public lectures??
Presentation of free research experiences by students
Free Research Consultation
Flag Football experience
University students and children deepen exchanges through flag football