On July 27, a public lecture "Let's learn with children about natural disasters in Kanazawa" was held at Kakumachi Plaza.
Associate Professor Tatsuto Aoki and Associate Professor Kiyomi Hayashi from Institute of Human and Social Sciences, Faculty of Regional Development Studies explained to 4th-6th graders and their parents the characteristics of active faults in Japan and possible earthquakes on the Morimoto-Togashi fault , using GSI's online maps, and discussed with the students how to protect themselves by watching videos of the Great Hanshin-Awaji and Great East Japan Earthquake. Then students discussed how to protect themselves from disasters. In the latter half of the lecture, students created a timeline of a disaster 3 minutes and 3 hours after the occurrence of a disaster to raise their awareness of disaster prevention.
Students commented: "I was surprised to see the big difference between having furniture fixed and not having furniture fixed," and "The three-hour lecture went by very quickly because of the rich content.
Lector:Associate Professor Tatsuto Aoki from Institute of Human and Social Sciences, Faculty of Regional Development Studies ?
Associate Professor Kiyomi Hayashi from Institute of Human and Social Sciences, Faculty of Regional Development Studies?
Click here for details and registration for Kanazawa University public lectures
Elementary school students and their parents listening the lecture
Creating a timeline in a simulated disaster occurrence game