On July 4, 2024, the 2nd university-wide FD workshop, "What is the lesson design related to the fusion of arts and sciences and STEAM education: Considering various perspectives of liberal arts education and specialized education" (※) was held online. 101 faculty staff, and students from both inside and outside the university took a part in the workshop.
The purpose of this workshop was to introduce case studies of teaching practices related to humanities-science fusion and STEAM education, and to discuss the state of humanities-science fusion and STEAM education in the field of university education with the participants through keynote speeches and case studies.
First, Yukari Trustee, Vice President of the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (in charge of research promotion and social collaboration), gave a keynote speech in which she explained the background and definition of STEAM education, and how it can be connected to society and industry.
Next, Professor Hidetaka Minamibo from the Faculty of Transdisciplinary Sciences for Innovation, Professor Toru Hayashi, Vice Director of Center for Management of Teaching and Learning and Assistant Professor Takahiro Yamashita of the same center introduced examples of interdisciplinary and STEAM education at Kanazawa University.
During the exchange of opinions, a Q&A session was held with Mr. Hayashi as a moderator, and many questions were asked by the participants. It was a very meaningful opportunity to sense the high level of interest in the significance of STEAM education, the innovations being made in classes, and the growth of students.
(*) "Project for Human Resource Development to Support a Knowledge Intensive Society (DP)" Executive Committee Project
Lecturers speaking online