Kanazawa University and Waseda University jointly conducted disaster volunteer activities

News Noto Reconstruction

On June 8, the Volunteer Support Station, leadered by Dr. Kisei Harada from the Institute of Human and Social Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Management,? and the Waseda University Hirayama Ikuo Memorial Volunteer Center (WAVOC)? jointly conducted disaster volunteer activities such as dismantling shrines, transporting damaged goods and carrying out household goods at Jyuuzou Shrine in Wajima City and at private homes.

On June 9, volunteers carried out the hauling of concrete blocks, removal of household goods from private homes, and bagging and removal of soil and sand eroded by the tsunami in Noto Town.

Kanazawa University together with WAVOC is going to continue to provide ongoing support to the disaster-affected areas.

 ?About Kanazawa University Volunteer activity
?Kanazawa University Borasapo (Kanazawa University Volunteer Saport Station) Instagram

  • Students who report the completion of work requested by the Volunteer Center.
  • Group photo of Kanazawa University and WAVOC volunteers
  • Group photo of Kanazawa University and WAVOC volunteers
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