大学の世界展開力強化事業「多層型日米連携協働教育プログラムによる次世代グローバル人材育成」キックオフイベントを開催 / Kanazawa University Held the Kick off Event for the Inter-University Exchange Project “Multi-Layered Educational Programs between Japan and the U.S. for Revolutionary New Global Human Resources”

News SDGs
  • 4. Quality education for all
  • 17. Partnership for the goals


On May 24th, Kanazawa University held an online Kick-off Event for “Multi-Layered Educational Programs between Japan and the U.S. for Revolutionary New Global Human Resources”, as part of MEXT “Inter-University Exchange Project'” with more than 80 participants from both domestic and international locations.

Kanazawa University President Takashi WADA opened the event, followed by Program Director Yasuhiko YAMAMOTO(Head of School of Medicine, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences), who explained our initiatives in this project. Various student exchange programs and partner institutions were introduced. The event concluded with closing remarks from Akiharu MORIMOTO, Trustee of Kanazawa University.

This event provided a valuable opportunity to share specific visions for this project by introducing each program’s efforts to form exchanges with U.S. universities.

  • 和田学長による開会あいさつ/Opening Remarks by President WADA President
  • 事業説明を行う山本教授/Overview of the Project by Program Director YAMAMOTO
  • 国際協力プログラムの紹介を行う国際基幹教育院GS教育系渡辺敦子准教授/Global Cooperation Program introduction by Associate Professor Atsuko WATANABE
  • 森本理事による閉会あいさつ/Closing Remarks by Kanazawa University Trustee MORIMOTO
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