Lunch Seminar of STEAM Human Resource Development Program (KU-STEAM)

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  • 4. Quality education for all

In April~May, lunch seminars introducing the "STEAM Human Resource Development Program (KU-STEAM)", a learning program that integrates the humanities and sciences were conducted. A total of 256 students and faculty members participated in seminars.
In the seminar, Assistant Professor Takahiro Yamashita from the Center for Management of Teaching and Learning explained the purpose of KU-STEAM, the outline of the curriculum, the courses of KU-STEAM that will be offered in the second quarter, and how to take them.
In addition, last year's participants presented their motivations for taking the course and what they learned through the program based on their actual experiences.
Participants commented, "I found the content of the program interesting," "I was able to hear the details of the KU-STEAM curriculum and classes, which I had been interested in for a long time, and I wanted to actively participate," and "I was able to get an image and a real feeling of taking the program from the experiences of my seniors."

STEAM Human Resource Development Program (KU-STEAM)

  • Lunch seminar
  • KU-STEAM student staff giving a lecture
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