Public Lecture "Kanazawa University Ancient Manuscripts in the Gyawasu Library: Enjoy, Learn, and Experience"

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  • 4. Quality education for all

On April 28, 11 participants ranging in age from high school students to those in their 80s attended the " Ancient Manuscripts of the Gyorasu Bunko: Enjoy, Learn, and Experience" at Kanazawa University Central Library.

First, Special Researcher Aiko Aida from the Institute of Human and Social Sciences  introduced the types of sutras and the form of sutra copying in ancient sutras. She explained that the first sutra was written down by scratching the bark of a tree and pouring dye on it after oral transmission of the teachings of the Buddha.
The students prepared their bodies and minds by applying "zukou," a purifying incense, to their hands, and rubbing ink with water drawn from a spring at Kanazawa Shrine that morning.
Then, the participants experienced sutra copying, such as Shabutsu (copying the image of Buddha) and Hannya Shingyo (Heart Sutra), and enjoyed the charm of ancient sutra copying while deepening their understanding through quizzes.
The students actively asked questions such as "What should I do if I make a mistake in writing a character in a sutra?

Lector: Aiko Aida, Specially Appointed Researcher from the  Institute of Human and Social Sciences

 Click here fordetails and registration for Kanazawa University  public lectures.

  • Project Researcher Aida giving a lecture
  • Students copying a Buddhist sutra
  • The copying of the Heart Sutra
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