As the university's first large-scale energy creation initiative, we have started operation of the Kakuma Campus North District Solar Park.
Based on the "Action Plan for Carbon Neutrality 2023," the university is promoting energy conservation and energy creation initiatives on campus in parallel with education, research and development. In September 2023, we concluded a business contract with a group represented by Hokuriku Electric Power Biz Energy Solution Co., Ltd., installed a third-party ownership (PPA model) solar power generation facility (755 kW), and are conducting a business to purchase the generated electricity, and started supplying electricity from today (April 1, 2024).
The Kakuma Campus North Solar Park is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by 465 t-CO2 per year, which is equivalent to about 1.3% of the university's total, and incorporates ingenuity in areas with a lot of snow, such as effective use of reflected light by bifacial power generation panels and installation of the lower end of the trestle at 2 meters to take into account snow accumulation. This is the third example of a scheme using the PPA model at a national university corporation, following the National Institute for Fusion Science (September 2023) and the University of Miyazaki (February 2024) (in order of start of power supply, according to a survey by the University).
In addition, we plan to conduct demonstration experiments for the social implementation of organic thin-film solar cells (organic thin-film and perovskite-type), which are expected to be next-generation solar cells, in this park, and to conduct joint research with companies related to solar power generation in parallel.
Business operator: A group led by Hokuriku Electric Power Biz Energy Solution Co.
Contract term: 20 years (electricity purchase period is from April 2024 to March 2044)
Scope: Former site of Parking Lot D (approx. 8,800 m2)
Installed capacity: 755 kW (1,496 solar panels used)
Planned power generation: 953,573 kWh/year (approximately 1.8% of the university's total power generation, actual results for FY2022)
Planned reduction in greenhouse gas emissions: 465 t-CO2/year (approximately 1.3% of the university's total emissions in FY2022)
Subsidy: Ministry of the Environment (25 million yen)
Remarks: Photovoltaic power generation equipment will be removed in this project.
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Environmental Initiatives (Carbon Neutral)
Panoramic view of the Solar Park in the Kakuma Campus North District
Installation of solar panels
Image of next-generation solar cell (organic thin-film type) undergoing demonstration tests