Construction work of the Experimental Research Center for Envisioning the Future building (tentative name) has begun on the "Future Intelligence Demonstration Center Building (tentative name).
This facility was selected in April 2023 by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for the "Facility Development Project for Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration and Joint Research through Collaboration between Regional Core and Distinctive Research Universities."
The facility will be a five-story reinforced concrete structure with a total floor area of approximately 3,300 m2 and is scheduled to be completed in 2024 year.
The Experimental Research Center for Envisioning the Future will promote fusion research such as the University's World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI) and the Co-Creation Space Formation Support Program (COI-NEXT), as well as empirical research aimed at creating startups and solving social issues. In addition, it will strengthen industry-academia collaboration and startup support with the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), the University of Tokyo, and Vision Incubate, a venture capital firm (VC) from Kanazawa University. Through these efforts, the Future Intelligence Center will strategically provide support for one-stop social implementation while accompanying seeds from across the Hokuriku region as a place for social co-creation where new knowledge and diverse human resources and organizations come together.
In December 2023, our university was selected for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's "Japan-PEAKS Project" to promote the strengthening of regional core and distinctive research universities, in order to lead social change in an unpredictable era by "forming a global base that will bring about disruptive innovation through the fusion of liberal arts, science and medicine." Based in the Experimental Research Center for Envisioning the Future building (tentative name), as a research university that will drive the development of research capabilities throughout Japan, we will actively work to create the environment necessary to accelerate and improve the international expansion of research activities and social implementation, under strategic management centered on our strengths and distinctive research capabilities.
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology selected Kanazawa University for the "Project for Improvement of Facilities for Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration and Joint Research through Collaboration with Regional Core and Distinctive Research Universities"
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology selected Kanazawa University for the "Project for Promoting the Enhancement of Regional Core and Distinctive Research Universities"
Rendering of Experimental Research Center for Envisioning the Future building (tentative name)
Rendering of Experimental Research Center for Envisioning the Future building (tentative name)