Joint Symposium with Nitte University (NITTE)

On campus only
Date and Time
March 12, 2025 12:30 -16:15
BGIC Step Hall
Event Details

In February of last year, Kanazawa University signed an inter-university exchange agreement with NITTE University in India. We will hold a joint symposium to expand exchange in graduate education and academic research. We look forward to your participation!

Date: March 12, 12:30 - 16:15
Place: BGIC Step Hall
※Zoom with Nitte University will be projected on the screen at the venue.
※Pre-registration recommended: Click here for registeration.  
What to bring: Student or staff ID

Program】 【Program
Opening Remarks(12:30~)
(NITTE) Prof. Niranjan N Chiplunkar, Principal
(KU) Prof. Dr. Takashi Wada, President
Hidetoshi Shibuya, President and CEO, SHIBUYA CORPORATION

Session 1: Mechanical Engineering(12:40~)
Chair (NITTE) Prof. Srinivas Pai
Chair (KU) Prof. Masashi Haruki

(KU) Prof. Masashi Haruki
Improvement of thermal conductivity of polymer based composite materials

(NITTE) Prof. Muralidhara
Design, Development and Validation of Pneumatically Actuated Inchworm Robot

(KU) Prof. Sharma Rajesh Kumar
Sustainable recycling of metal-polymer composites using foaming technology

(NITTE) Dr. Vijeesh V
4D Printing of Temperature Stimuli Smart Materials For Bio Medical Applications

Session:2: Information Engineering(13:40~)
Chair (NITTE) Prof. Shashank S Shetty
Chair (KU) Prof. Kousuke Imamura

(KU) Prof. Kousuke Imamura
A watermarked image search using compressed representation

(NITTE) Prof. Mamatha B
Smart Bus Overload Detection System

(KU) Prof. Yuki Todo
Neuron and Neuron Model

(NITTE) Prof. Sharada U Shenoy
Cultural Etiquette Chatbot: Bridging India and Japan

Session:3: Biological Science(15:00~)
Chair (NITTE) Prof. Vidya S
Chair (KU) Prof. Azuma Taoka

(KU) Prof. Azuma Taoka
Exploring the molecular mechanisms for magnetic organelle formation in magnetotactic bacteria

(NITTE) Prof. Ujwala
Extraction, Synthesis And Characterization Of Soy-Oil Based Algal Ink

(KU) Prof. Hiroyasu Kamei
Latent abilities for growth and survival in a tiny fish under environmental oxygen fluctuation

(NITTE) Prof. Venkatesh Kamath
Synergistic Impact of Light And Chromium or Nickel Salts on Biomass Production and Biochemical Composition of Spirulina Platensis

Closing Remarks (16:00~)
(NITTE) Prof. Niranjan N Chiplunkar, Principal
(KU) Prof. Akiharu Morimoto, Trustee

Participation Fee
Free of Charge
How to participate
On-site participation (pre-registration is recommended)
Application period
Until March 11

International Relations Department, International Planning Division (Sumida)

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