Kanazawa University 2nd FD Workshop in 2024
"What is lesson design related to the integration of humanities and sciences and STEAM education? Thinking from various perspectives such as liberal arts education and specialized education"

Open to public
Thursday, July 4, 2024 14:00 - 16:00
Online via Zoom (participants can join or leave during the session)
Please use a PC or smart phone that can make voice calls.
Open to all, including university faculty and staff
Number of applicants
100 persons
Event Details

Kanazawa University 2nd FD Workshop in 2024
"What is lesson design related to the integration of humanities and sciences and STEAM education? Thinking from various perspectives such as liberal arts education and specialized education"
(Planned by the organizing school of the Project for Human Resource Development to Support a Knowledge Intensive Society (DP))

【Organizator】 Kanazawa University Steering Committee for "Program for Developing Human Resources to Lead Social Change with Integrated Specialized Knowledge and Acute Knowledge”
【Co-sponsor】 Kanazawa University FD Committee, Academic Affairs Committee, Public Interest Incorporated Association University Consortium Ishikawa

【Application Form】https://forms.gle/oJ4xFQRoDH59RXVZ7
Please fill out the application form by the application deadline.
After receiving your application, Zoom information will be sent to you by e-mail by the day before the workshop.
We will not use your personal information for any purpose other than the management of this workshop.
Application deadline: Monday, July 1, 2024, 17:00


14:00~14:10 Opening

14:10 - 14:50 Keynote Speech
”The Possibility of Humanities-Science Fusion and STEAM Education in the Field of University Education: Higher-Order STEAM and New Social Issues”
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Trustee (Research Promotion, Social Cooperation) Vice President Yukari Nagai

14:50 - 15:35 Case Study
Classroom Practice of Humanities-Science Integration and STEAM Education in the Field of Science and Mathematics
Kanazawa University Institute of Transdisciplinary Sciences for Innovation Faculty of Transdisciplinary Sciences for Innovation Professor Hidetaka Nambo
Practice of STEAM education based on the concept of "Izumikyoka Izumi Kyoka x Kanazawa Art".
Kanazawa University Center for Management of Teaching and Learning Deputy Director Professor Toru Hayashi
”Practice of STEAM education in a class integrating arts and sciences by utilizing career design"?
Kanazawa University Center for Management of Teaching and Learning Assistant Professor Takahiro Yamashita

15:35-15:55 Q&A and exchange of opinions

15:55-16:00 Closing

Please refer to the attached flyer or the URL on the flyer for details.
URL of the flyer】】


In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of topics related to the fusion of arts and sciences and STEAM education in university education as well as school education, due to the need to acquire knowledge understanding, attitudes, and dispositions that transcend the boundaries of arts and sciences. This trend stems from two educational policies: "the movement toward cross-curricular education in upper secondary schools is forcing changes in university education," and "the need to develop human resources equipped with 'comprehensive knowledge' that can create innovation. In order to promote these educational policies, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology "Project for Human Resource Development to Support Knowledge Intensive Society (DP)" and "Project for Human Resource Development for Regional Revitalization (SPARC)" as well as the Comprehensive Support Project for Reform of Private Universities and Colleges have been indexed for efforts in arts and science fusion and STEAM education.
On the other hand, there are many cases in which university educators face trial-and-error in designing specific classes related to humanities-science fusion and STEAM education. In this workshop, we would like to introduce some examples of practical lessons related to STEAM education and rethink with the participants about how the integration of arts and sciences and STEAM education should be in the field of university education.
This workshop will be held as a part of the "Project for Human Resource Development to Support Knowledge Intensive Society (DP)" at Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

Participation Fee

Secretariat of "Project for Human Resource Development to Support Knowledge Intensive Society (DP)" (Kanazawa University Educational and Student Affairs Department Educational and Student Affairs Division)
TEL] 076-264-5199 [E-mail] gakukikaku[a]adm.kanazawa-u.ac.jp (replace [a] with @)

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